pretty -finney

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first oneshot #wowie!


1st person pov (because i feel like it):
finney blake is honestly the prettiest boy i've ever seen. his hair is curly, his smile is sweet, his nose is adorable but most of all, i love his eyes. he's perfect and it stuns me that no one seems to realise.

back to normal pov i do (???):

you lived across from finney for as long as you could remember. you had also had a huge crush on him for as long as you could remember too. how could you not? he was your first friend when you moved to his school and as of current is your best friend.


you were staring out of your bedroom window, watching as finney read some book while sat on his roof. for some reason he was often sat up there on an evening, reading some book in the light of the sunset. he looked so perfect in the golden and pink sunlight. sure it might be "creepy" to stare at your best friend through the window, but why should you care? you had good intention.

somehow, while you were zoned out staring, finney became aware of your admiring gaze on him. he waved at you with that stupid smile you loved smeared across his face. you waved back, feeling awkward.

finney motioned his hand for you to come over and sit with him, you stuck your thumb up and ran downstairs.
"y/n? what are you doing?" you heard your mum shout from the sitting room.
"going to finneys, bye" was all you said before exiting the house.

when you got over the road, you began to climb the tree that lead to finneys roof. you had done it once before, back in year 4 (think thats 3rd grade for the americans?) so you knew your way up. you grabbed and tugged at branches as you climbed until you made it to the roof. finney was knelt at the edge, ready to help you onto the roof. you took his hands and he pulled you on.

"hi y/n" he said sweetly still holding your hands
"hey finn" you grinned
finneys cheeks grew pink at hearing you call him "finn" you did often, but still somehow it always made him blush. he just stared at you, still holding your hands.

"so um what are you reading?" you asked to break the awkward silence.
finney snapped out of his trance and pulled his hands away from yours.
"just a book about space, nothing interesting"
you nodded and settled beside him, looking out at the landscape in front of you.

the sunset was beautiful. you had always loved it.
"so pretty" you said aloud, admiring the pink sky.
"i could say the same about you.." muttered finney.
you turned to him, a flustered look on your face.
"shit- you heard that? sorry that was weird of me-"
you just smiled as you watched the boy before you frantically stutter and stumble over his words. how cute.
"you're an idiot finney blake, you know that?"
"...yeah" he slightly laughed.
"but thanks, for saying im pretty i mean" you turned away from him to hide your blush.

finney didn't say anything, he just hummed. you turned to look at him again. the sun shining on his face made him look like an angel and his side you decided at that moment that you were in love with him. you were in love with finney blake.

"mmm?" he tuned to you.
"i think i love you" you muttered
finney turned bright red. like bro was glowing.
"finn..? hello? are you oka-"
you were cut of by him grabbing your face and kissing you sweetly.

finney pulled away and you looking into his glossy eyes. taking in the features of the one you love. you were taken aback by what he had just done.
"i think i love you too"



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