what was your fist kiss like?

766 15 43


- sweet
- he was so gentle with you
- you had your hand on his cheek and felt his face burn😍
- he melted (guhbye😛)

- chill ab it
- blushed a little
- held your waist AHSHHERUJTJEHWHRK😟😟
- bro was as smooth as my brain

- nervous
- took him forever to actually kiss you
- flustered as one can be🧐🇬🇧💷
- he loved it. 10/10 would do again

- you already know he was a total sweetheart ab it
- kissed you at night under the stars
- held your face
- couldnt stop smiling afterwards 😉😉

- licked your face
- jokesss😒
- wasnt gentle ermmmm
- quite quick
- bit his lip and looked you up and down before then said "here comes the airplane babe😏"


i havent updated in ermmm idk ages (soz🤨) i was sick and i also have school but im on half term rn so more time to write woo hoo🤓 and omg im so excited for halloween im being cher from clueless cos i love her shes a cutie 😚😚

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