stars -billy

681 9 7

another request eee this will also be 2nd person bc i have had no sleep and feel like id end up fucking up 3rd person😭


you heard your bedroom window slowly creak open followed by the sound of creaking on the floorboards. you sat up in bed, placing the book you were reading on your desk.

"hey y/n" it was billy.
"billy? what are you doing its 11pm" you asked curiously as you climbed out of bed and walked towards him.
"i couldn't sleep. do you want to go for a ride on my bike?"

you shook your head and laughed softly.
"sure why not"
billy took your hand in his and lead you out of the open window and into the cold night air.
he picked up his bike from where he had discarded it by the grass verge outside your house and climbed on to it.
"come on, sit on the back" he beckoned you over.

you obliged and climbed on to the bike, you wrapped your arms around billy for support and pressed yourself against his back. billy began to peddle his bike and you felt as cold gusts of wind brushed against you. it was silent outside apart from the odd buzzing of some porch lights that people had yet to turn off.

there were no clouds around meaning that you could see every bright twinkling star in the sky along with the beautiful moon that was in the waining gibbus phase. you heard the fast and continuous sound of the wheels of billys bike as they rode along the smooth concrete road.

soon, billy stopped peddling as he reached the bottom of a grassy hill. the blowing wind created ripples in the long grass that mimicked the waves of the ocean.

"its cold, wear this" whispered billy softly as he loosely hung his grey jacket around you. his jacket had his scent: vanilla body wash and a hint of deodorant. it was your favourite smell in the world and made you feel comforted.

you felt a warm blush creep on to you face as billy gently grabbed your hand and led you up to the highest point of the hill. his hand was warm and soft and you noticed that he was gently rubbing circles on to the back of yours.

billy let go of your hand and lay down on the grass. you lay next to him and looked up at the pretty sky. the moon was glowing as stars twinkled around it.
"so beautiful" you said softly to yourself.
billy turned to you and smiled his signature sweet smile.
"i could say the same about you" he chuckled lightly.

you turned to look at billy as he sat up. you did so too.
"thank you billy"

you noticed the way billys brown eyes were sparkling as they looked into yours. he looked like some sort of angel. truth be told, you had liked billy for some time now but never knew if he felt the same way so always kept your mouth shut.

you must've zoned out while staring into billys eyes because once you snapped back to reality you noticed that he was inches away from your face. you felt your heart begin to beat faster and butterflies filled your stomach while you leant forward, a blush was painted across your face and billys.

finally, you felt billys soft warm lips press against your own. even though you had shut your eyes, you swore you could see stars and fireworks. kissing billy felt so right.

billy soon pulled away for air and placed his hand carefully on your warm cheek as he gave you his goofy sweet smile.
"y/n, i think i love you"
you laughed gently.
"i love you too billy"

billy pulled you into his chest and lay back down on the long grass. you cuddled closer to him and he kissed the too of your head lovingly.
"soo..does this mean you're my partner now?" billy whispered nervously.
"of course" you laughed back


praying i did this request right omd but i am so so tired i got 0 sleep because i was hiding from a moth all night 😭 ugh i need new friends they were bullying me for my fear of moths

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