"im glad you're safe" -bruce

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heyy this was requested ! first bruce one :)


since you had been kidnapped, your boyfriend bruce hadn't slept at all. it seemed to him as though as long as you were away, he must always be up and alert. what if he got a call saying your okay? he couldn't afford to be asleep.

however what seemed to be more of a prominent reason of his constant alertness was the fact that he felt a burning guilt for what had happened to you. you had been hanging out with him at a park with his friends but he seemed only interested in them. you weren't really paid much attention to and so you just left. bruce felt that if he hadn't been so ignorant, if he had payed attention or just walked you home you wouldn't have been taken.

~ nov 15th 1978 2:30am ~

bruce sat silently on his bed as he drowned in guilt and a dreadful feeling of losing hope. it had been around 3 or 4 days since he had last seen you and as time went on, he began to become submerged in a gut wrenching feeling that maybe you were gone. the only thing keeping him hopeful was the fact that there had been no mew reports of missing kids since you. that had to mean that you were still alive, right?

bruce pulled his knees up to his chest and sighed. he was exhausted and was beginning to succumb to illness due to lack of sleep and his refusal to eat. - bruces parents had tried everything in their power to get him to eat but he just wouldn't-. how could he? he felt awful. 

bruce buried his face in to his knees and shut his eyes to rest them. he wanted nothing more than to see his girlfriend again, to hold her in his arms, to know that shes safe.


bruces thoughts were all shut off as he heard the abrupt ringing of the telephone beside his bed. he removed his head from his knees and picked the phone up, holding it to his ear.

"hello?" his voice was hoarse and tired
"is this bruce yamada?"
"yes" bruce felt himself shake nervously
"we were instructed to call you first, if you're able to please come to *address of where grabber lives idk* we have y/n l/n"
bruces eyes widened and his heart rate sped up in shock and worry. he immediately hung up his phone and smashed it back down.

frantically, bruce tied his shoe laces in a messy knot before sprinting downstairs. he slammed the front door open, not caring who he awoke, before collecting his bike from the grass of his front garden.

he gripped the handles of his bike with a force greater than he thought possible as he peddled at a speed he could've sworn would get him a driving ban if he were to go as fast in a car.

his mind raced with 100 worries as he came closer to where you were. what if you were seriously hurt? what if you didn't forgive him? what would he say?. the adrenaline that rushed through his body almost mad him ride past the street completely but he managed to turn just in time.

there were around 3 ambulances and some police cars at the scene. it seemed that bruce was the first friend or relative to arrive though. he rushed on his bike towards the scene and instantly jumped off it and dropped it when he saw you huddled up in the back of an ambulance with a white blanket.

you noticed bruce in the near distance and you sighed a sigh of relief. the whole time you were a hostage, you truly thought you would never see bruce again.

he ran to you and practically leaped in to the ambulance with you.
"y-y/n! oh my god oh my god i cant- are you- im so sorry im so sorry!" his voice was shaky and hoarse. he seemed not to be able to manage to get what he wanted to say out.

bruce pulled you into him and held you close and tight. you had your face buried in to the crook of his shoulder.
"im so so so sorry y/n i love you im sorry oh my god" you heard him sniffle.
"im alright, bruce"
bruce took a shaky inhale and began to rock you back and forth as he held you.

being in his arms again was possibly the best feeling known to man. he held you so tight that you honestly thought he wouldn't let you go. his familiar scent also calmed you. that and the comforting warmth bruce produced made you relax in his arms.

he eventually pulled away and placed his warm hand on your cheek, looking you in the eyes. you noticed that he had eye bags: likely due to lack of sleep. it broke your heart to see him like that.
"im so glad you're here, i don't know what i'd have done if you.." he trailed off but you knew what he was trying to say.

you shot bruce a reassuring smile before raising your hand to his face to wipe a stray tear away. he seemed to lean in to your touch, even though your hands were by no means warm.

bruce didn't care of your hands were -30 degrees, he was just overjoyed that he was able to feel your touch again.

you lowered your hand from bruces face and he pulled you carefully down so that your head was resting on his shoulder. he gently kissed the top of your head before resting his on yours.


i am starting to like bruce more yk😜 at first i didn't really acknowledge him but hes starting to grow on me and tristan is so fine help. HOPE THE REQUEST WAS DONE OKAY OMD

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