charming -robin

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another request yuhh, he/they pronouns!


for as long as they could remember y/n had liked robin arellano but he had hardly ever uttered a word to them. robins the type of guy that has an ego too large for his own good. sure, hes nice and all but he really has nerve when it comes to ignoring people. 

there've been countless occasions where y/n would try to talk to him but robin simply glanced at them and wondered off with his friends. still, regardless of the fact robin is cocky beyond belief, y/n had fallen absolutely head over heels for him.

maybe it was his pretty eyes or his long dark hair. maybe how strong he was, who knows? all that's certain is that y/n can't get enough of him.


as the bell to dismiss students from last period rang, y/n decided he had finally had enough of robins ignorance and decided to confront him. he gathered all his stuff from his desk, slung his bag over one shoulder and made his way out of the classroom.

y/n spotted robin walking down the hallway and decided that was their chance. they quickened their pace as to catch up to him.

"robin!" y/n said with a slight shout as they finally arrived at robins side.
robin looked over at them and flashed them a cocky grin.
"hey there y/n, is that a new shirt? you look so cute in that"

y/n's mouth opened slightly in shock. robin actually spoke to them?

"are you alright?" asked robin as he slyly slipped his arm around y/n's shoulders. y/n felt his face heat up at the feeling, though he still said nothing. he was scared it'd all just come out in stutter.

"oh dear amor, you're all red, am i that hot? does it make you heat up?" robin purred.
god that boy has a charm to him like no other.

y/n let out a shaky breath before finally speaking
"im fine, robin, don't you worry"
robin chuckled lightly, making the blush on y/n's face darken and spread to their ears.

as they reached the schools exit robin finally released his arm from y/n.
"well, its been a pleasure talking to you but ive got to go meet finney and gwen"
"i- um- yeah okay" stammered y/n, still flustered.

"you're so cute, y/n. it makes me sick" laughed robin before gently leaning forwards and placing a soft kiss on y/n's hot cheek.

"ill see you around amor, yeah?"
and with that robin walked off, leaving y/n a blushing mess, holding his hand on the spot robin had kissed him.


anotha one 😎 i am praying to the lords that the people that requested this like this ily guys omd (that probably sounds weird but okay 😜)

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