autumn puppy love -billy/paperboy

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yeah im writing about autumn in august, what ab it punk? also you and billy are already dating in this 🫢


you woke up to the sound of rustling trees in the wind accompanied by a glowing golden light beaming through the gap in your curtains. you sat up and groaned, grabbing your watch from your bedside table in the process. you read the time to be 6:50am. for some reason you always managed to wake up at the crack of dawn on a saturday but on school days? not even the end of the world would wake you up that early.

even though you weren't going to get your much needed sleep in at least you were up early enough to see your paperboy boyfriend doing his rounds. he usually gets to your house at around 7:10am as he leaves it to last so that he has more time to talk to you, if you're there that is.

you changed into some white mom jeans and a light pink jumper (sweater??) then put your watch on your wrist. you then did your hair and makeup, nothing too fancy, you went for a more natural look and as for your hair only brushed it so that it didn't look untamed.

you walked downstairs, it was silent. your parents had already gone to work. you made your way to the hallway where your shoes were. you opened the shoe cupboard and picked out your white trainers (sneakers??) slipping them onto your feet and tying the laces into a double knot.

the mid october sun shone through the tinted glass of your front door and seemed to light up the entire hallway. though pretty, the light was slightly blinding, so as you got up to open the door you placed your hand over your eyes as to shield yourself from the rays.

the door creaked open and you stepped out, immediately hit with the feeling of the crisp autumn air. it was chilly outside but so pretty. you walked further into your front garden, stepping on many crunchy brown leaves as you did so. you slowly sat down on the cold grass and stared into the street in front of you, patiently awaiting your boyfriend and his dog.

as you were gawking at your neighbours large brown tree, you heard the sound of a bike bell. you whipped your head round and saw billy on his bike with his adorable golden retriever running beside him. you smiled and waved as he biked closer.

soon he reached your house and hopped off his bike, laying it down on the grass. his dog lay down beside it panting heavily. billy dramatically collapsed beside you on the grass and huffed.
"being a paper boy is so tiring" he groaned
"poor you" you replied mockingly

billy turned his head to you and smiled before gently kissing you on the cheek.
"hey, aren't you cold without a jacket?" he asked
"well no" you said sarcastically
billy rolled his eyes at you.
"you're gonna catch a nasty cold out here its freezing"

you sighed, he was right, it definitely was cold season.
"okay then, lets go inside, im sure your poor dog is tired to" you laughed slightly
you stood up and made your way to the front door, billy and his dog following behind you.

once inside, billy took off his shoes and jacket. under his red jacket he was wearing a plain white long sleeved shirt that made him look even cuter than usual and his hair was slightly messy from the wind outside. (bros gorgeous fr💀) his dog just lay down on the floor in the hallway and happily panted.

"want anything to eat?" you asked billy as you opened the door to the living room.
"no thanks"
you turned to billy and nodded before making your way to the sofa and collapsing on to it. billy did the same, cuddling up beside you.

he placed his head on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around you so that he was kinda side hugging you. you leant down and placed a sweet kiss on his head.
"im so tired.." billy muttered
"whys that?" you asked
"i woke up at 4 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep because i was too cold, then had to go on paper round at the coldest time of day while running on 5 hours sleep" he complained

"well you're off duty now, ay? you can go to sleep now, ill keep you warm" you said softly, playing with his hair with one of your hands.
billy sat up and removed himself from you with a yawn.
"wait just a second" you said, getting up.

you walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of coal and some matches along with a peace of paper. you came back into the living room and threw some coal in the fireplace then struck a match, lighting the paper on fire and tossing it into the fireplace.

you shouted for billys dog and he came running in, tail wagging.
"hello boy" you laughed as you stroked the excited dog. he eventually settled beside the fire and you sat back down with billy.

"see, its warm now, you should be able to get some sleep" you said smiling softly at the tired boy beside you.
"thanks.." he said softly with a hint of embarrassment in his voice.
you shifted so that your head was resting on the arm of the sofa and patted the spot next to you for billy to come lay down.

he did, resting his head on your chest and wrapping his arms comfortably around you. you did the same, holding him close with one arm while the other hand stroked his soft hair comfortingly. you kissed billys head and smiled knowing that he was safe with you.

"i love you" whispered billy softly as he lay cuddled up on your chest.
"i love you too" you replied, also softly.
the sound of the crackling fire and comforting feeling of each others presence was enough to send you two to sleep.


help me i don't know any american words for all these terms and shit🧍‍♀️soz guys ill stop being british for you x

what is billys dog called omg i don't like having to call it "the dog" that feels under appreciative of the poor thing😭 anyways i literally love billy sm he's so cute.

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