dating hcs😝 -preference (??)

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why has summer gone so fast im gonna cry☺️


- the sweetest boyfriend ever
- constantly holding your hand
- has to make sure you're alright every 3 seconds
- so gentle with you
- gets jealous easily
- you would do anything for eachother
- cuddles with him>>> (cos he smells nice😦)
- he's always there for you
- he makes you feel safe
- loves when you steal his clothes
- genuinely worries about you 24/7
- adores when you kiss his cheek

- lets you mess with his hair
- thinks hes funny so likes to randomly come up behind you and tie his bandana over your eyes to blind you
- he's good at cooking
- worships the ground you walk on
- steals your hair products
- best hugger ever hellooo????!!!
- tells you you're beautiful/handsome whatever every 10 minutes
- peppers kisses all over your face
- won't let anyone harm you
- thinks hes cool
- has a soft spot for you

- takes you on rides on the back of his bike at sunset
- so affectionate
- thinks you're the most amazing thing on the planet
- loves when you play with his hair
- sleeps on you at any given chance
- kisses you a lot
- his dog loves you
- you help him sort papers some mornings
- sometimes you ride on the back of his bike for paper rounds and people think its so cute
- plays board games with you on rainy days
- overthinks a lot
- your parents love him

- total sweetheart
- really cares for you
- tries his hardest to make you happy
- knows the sidewalk rule
- soft kisses
- gives you the sweetest smiles
- loves you so much
- buys you whatever you want whenever you want
- even though you guys are kids he's already planning the wedding
- likes to show you off
- hugs from behind
- likes to take you out to nice places

- he's definitely complicated
- bros explosive 💀
- he would never hurt you but he will hurt anyone that does hurt you
- mean chihuahua vibes cl
- puts his arm around you while you walk
- you always have to get the lazy fucktard out of bed on a morning
- if he's cuddling with you, you literally cannot get up until he wants you to because he's got gorilla strength arms
- his morning voice>>>


idk why i wrote this but anyways ive become like best friends with the rowdy popular kids at my school idk what to do with myself i'm becoming everything emo yr7 me didnt want me to be x

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