gone -bruce yamada

784 9 15

requestedd 🤙 this is angsty so soz x
tw- murder, kidnapping

recently, there seemed to be a huge loss of children in denver. at least once every 2 weeks a young boy went missing. it was heartbreaking to walk outside and see all the missing posters pinned to the fences and telephone poles.

the most recent boy to go missing was bruce yamada. that one hit you hard, you and him were close, in fact you liked him for a while but didn't tell him. bruce was popular, kind, good looking and on the baseball team. you just assumed he probably didn't like you that way and probably liked one of his many fangirls

it seemed to you unfair that such a sweet boy had been taken, bruce of all people did not deserve whatever hell he must be enduring. judging by the time between the disappearances of the kids, you had concluded that the boys were likely kept alive for a while and you assumed that it mustn't be a very pleasant experience.


"y/n, i've got to head out for a job, i wont be long" you heard your dad yell through the kitchen before leaving the house. his work was busy at the moment, maybe thats because it's november; lots of kids have birthdays in november, well in denver at least. your dad works as a part time magician. he's often out at kids parties or somewhere else, probably planning the parties.

so by now you were used to just being left totally alone in your little house. your mother was out of the picture, you're an only child and there are no pets involved either. not that it bothered you of course, you didn't exactly have many friends either so being alone was something you had gotten used to.

your only "friend" was the missing bruce yamada. before his sudden disappearance, the two of you had planned to "meet up" at a park or as bruce said "go on a date". though you never got to. bruce went missing the day before the planned trip.

that was almost 2 weeks ago now and as soul crushing as it is, you had truly given up hope that sweet bruce was alive and well.


an hour had passed since your dad left for work and you had begun to feel hungry so you decided to go downstairs to cook something.

you reached up into the cupboard above the work top and gently grabbed a plate for whatever you had decided to eat but being the clumsy person you are you dropped it and it smashed all over the tile floor.

"shit" you groaned as you stared down at the shattered ceramic on the floor. you scanned the room for the broom but couldn't seem to find it. then it hit you, maybe it was in the basement.

you hadn't set foot in that basement for years but you knew that your dad liked to keep his cleaning stuff down there so it'd make sense for the broom to be down there.


the creaky door of the cold basement slowly opened, revealing a spacious room. at first, you didn't even notice the mattress that held a boy on it.

bruce. bruce yamada was in your basement.
he shakily stood from the old mattress and walked towards you. he looked sick; his eyes were dull, his face was pale and he was skinny even for bruce.

you said nothing. just held out your arms and let bruce wrap his own around you. though he was sick, his hug was strong. you could feel his shaky breath on your neck as you squeezed him tight.

nothing made sense. how could your own dad be "the grabber"? why?

your mind flooded with questions and feelings of uncertainty as you held the scared boy. all you knew was that you needed to get bruce out of the house and fast.

you pulled away from him but held his hand firmly in your own and looked into his sad eyes. the fact your own father had hurt your only friend so badly made you sick to your stomach.

"bruce, we have to go. now."
bruce weakly nodded and you spun round and began to walk up the dark stairway and back into the kitchen as you held his hand.

bruce groaned as the daylight hit him through the kitchen window. he had been in darkness for 2 weeks so it came as a shock to his system.

you lead him quietly to the front door of your house, still holding his hand in your firm grip. you never wanted to let go of him now.

you held out your shaky free hand to open the door but the handle turned. someone was on the other side. your dad was on the other side. you felt your heart sink in dread as the door pushed open, revealing your dad.

his eyes landed on bruce and then you as a sadistic smile grew on his face.
"oh no, i thought i told you not to go in to the basement y/n"
you gripped bruces hand tighter and slightly shifted so that you were shielding him more.

"you killed those boys. griffin, billy, vance. you were gonna kill bruce too, right?" you choked out through your tears.
your dad shook his head and laughed a little.
"oh my darling, i was gonna let little bruce go, i knew how much his disappearance hurt you, but now you've ruined it for both of you hm?" his tone of voice was sickly calm.

he shifted his hand to his jean pocket and pulled out a little knife.

"shame. you two could've had such a nice life together. and you bruce, now i have to kill my own daughter because of you"

'kill my own daughter' those words rang through your head. you froze up. so did bruce.

"dad please.." was all you managed to get out before you felt the cold blade of the knife slash against your neck. bruces hand slowly slipped from your own as you fell to the floor.

"y/n! no no no no no! i love you i love yo-"

then everything went dark.


now, you're stuck in the dammed basement for all eternity. you dont know how it happened, but for some reason after you were killed by your own dad you awoke beside bruce on the mucky mattress.

2 more boys had been taken since then. robin arellano and finney blake. along with bruce, vance, billy and griffin you had been working on helping finney escape. robin thought he had an idea so he is planning to be the next to help finney.

all that was keeping you going was knowing that you'd always be with bruce. always be with the boy you love.



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