he doesnt deserve you -robin

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hiii this is another request eeee ! he/they pronouns will be used and this contains physical and mental bullying! just a warning :) and yes i finally got actually relevant banner pics wow😱😱


y/n had liked vance hopper for a while now and decided to finally muster up the courage to ask him out. they had only talked a couple of times but from what y/n had seen vance seemed to like them at least a bit.

seeing as vance and y/n went to the same school, he decided to tell vance during lunch because he knew he could get him alone. even if it was just for 5 minutes.

vance always against the wall outside the boys toilets and listened to music on his walkman. it wasn't that he doesn't have friends, he does of course. he simply just prefers to sit alone which is understandable.


y/n made their way to where they knew vance would be. it was the middle of lunch so everyone had already been to the bathroom and the area was clear, except for vance of course.

y/n's heart was pulsing heavily in their chest as they spotted vance sitting on the floor with earphones in as per usual. as he walked closer, vance lifted his head and his gaze landed on y/n.

"hi vance" y/n greeted him shakily
"hey y/n"
"could i talk to you for a second?"
vance took his earphones out and gave y/n an annoyed but attentive look.
"well? what is it?" vance was getting impatient
"so i've kind of liked you for a while and was wondering if you maybe wanted to-"
vance stood up suddenly, looking unamused.

"gross! piss off freak" grunted vance
y/n didn't reply, he just stood there overflowing with embarrassment.
"i said go away!" yelled vance before throwing his fist in y/n's face.
y/n hissed inwards in pain as vance just walked away, giving them a disgusted look.

blood spilled from y/n's sore nose in a thin trickle, pooling above his top lip. he felt a couple hot tears drip from his eyes. still they didn't move, they just stood in shock. until robin showed up that is.

"y/n?? what the hell happened?" robin asked in frantic panic
"nothing it was just vance- he didn't take it too well.."
robin knew about y/n's plan to ask vance hopper out, he had hoped it would fail anyway because he liked y/n. though he didn't want the failure to end in his friend bleeding.

robin dragged y/n into the bathroom and pulled a tissue from the dispenser before running the tap an wetting it.
"hold still" he muttered before gently wiping the blood from his friends upper lip. the two stood in silence for a little as robin discarded the now bloody tissue.

"vance is an asshole y/n, you deserve better" robin suddenly said and pulled y/n into a comforting hug.
"i know i just- it hurts. so bad." sobbed y/n, they buried their face into robins neck and let the tears spill. robin raised his hand to the back of their head and gently stroked their hair.

robin heard y/n's sobs and pulled away from him to look him in the eyes.
"oh no no, don't cry amor" spoke robin softly as he rubbed comforting circles on to y/n's tear soaked cheek.

"you deserve better, you deserve the world"

robin leant closer to y/n and kissed them gently on the lips.
"you're perfect" he whispered
robin then kissed y/n on the cheek followed by a bunch of soft kisses on his forehead, nose, and jaw.

y/n smiled softly as they looked at robin.
"thank you robin, you're like an angel or something" they laughed.
"you're welcome and seriously, don't waste your time on people like vance. he isn't worth it, you deserve someone that loves you like, i don't know, me maybe?"

a flustered look creeped on to y/n's face and he smiled gently at robin.
"yeah, i think id like that" he said blissfully
robin kissed y/n again, but for longer this time. he wanted to make sure they knew he loved them.


hii i hope this is okay omg and i kinda took a while to do this bc i had to go out so sorry to the person that requested that it took so long!

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