bullies -finney

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this was requested! she/they pronouns will be used and this is from finneys pov!

thank you sm to the person that requested this mwah <33


finneys pov:

every kick from the hard rubber of my bullies' shoes stung me over and over. god only knows what i had ever done to them for them to treat me this way.

i had only been trying to walk home when they approached me, just to throw me down and beat me for no good reason. my sister, gwen, had already gone her own way as she decided to go to her friends. i know for a fact if she were here these assholes wouldn't lay a finger on me.

as i lay helplessly on the floor, i heard someone shout. i didn't quite catch what they said but from the tone of their voice it was nothing nice. i heard shoes hitting the floor fast and soon saw y/n running towards me.

the boys stopped kicking me and started laughing as they watched her run to them.
"just what do you bastards think you're doing to finn?!" y/n screamed at them.

they moved towards one of the boys, punching him in the nose. she then kicked another in his knee sending him to the floor. the last boy didn't even need a finger laying on him before he sprinted off, the other two following after him.

i just sat silently on the cold stone pavement and watched the look of pure anger and disgust on y/n's face. even though they were mad and pulling a face, they looked beautiful. hell, she looked beautiful even when she was beating the guys up!

i guess y/n must've realised i was zoned out while looking at them because i soon heard the click of fingers in front of my face.
"finn? are you alright sweetheart?" they asked me while cupping my fave with one hand.

'sweetheart'. the word seemed to make my face heat up to an unholy temperature. how could she be so perfect?
"uh yeah im okay. thanks." i assured her
they smiled at me with that beautiful smile that always makes my stomach do flips.

i felt them shift my hair from my forehead gently before they gave me a quick but comforting kiss on the forehead. holy shit. i couldn't believe someone as gorgeous as her would even bother with me, let alone love me.

i stood up carefully, making sure not to put any pressure on the places i had been kicked.
"thank you y/n, for helping me i mean"
y/n took my hand in theirs as we began walking in the direction of my house.
"no problem finney but seriously, you need to start standing up to those shit boxes! me and robin wont always be here to do it for you" they said softly.

i sighed and nodded.
"yeah i know..ill try my best"
y/n rubbed the back of my hand with their thumb gently. it felt so comforting, especially after the hell i'd just endured.

i turned to her
"could you maybe stay at mine tonight? my dads out" asking that made me feel nervous for her reply.
"sure finn"

i smiled at her. they're so beautiful i can't comprehend it. like actually, y/n is an angel or goddess or something! i have never seen such a beautiful person. best part is, i get to love them.

"you know you're like gorgeous, right?" i blurted out suddenly. y/n pulled a confused face and blushed a little.
"aw, thank you finney, you're so sweet!" she thanked me before kissing my cheek.
god i love them.


cute 😜 hope i didn't do this request wrong omg 😭

i think i need new pictures for the little top banner thing bc i keep using the picture of prince phillip saying slay and i feel like queen lizzy is gonna come for me

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