cats- bruce

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hellooo i was thinking ab publishing anither book but its an original story by me🤭 lmk if i should cause i acc think its a clever lil story😍

going to bruces house was always something you looked forward too, not because you get to see him but rather, you got to see his cat; georgie. georgie is a small white cat with the most gorgeous blue eyes and large ears.

as you walked up to bruces door, all you could think about was how badly you wanted to cuddle his sweet cat after your long day of school; 4 tests in one day, ridiculous.

you rang the doorbell and waited eagerly for the door to be opened and sure enough a couple seconds later bruces mum swung it open and greeted you with a warm smile.

"y/n! hello dear, i've missed you" she said as she pulled you into a hug.
"good to see you mrs yamada!" you replied with a wide smile. bruces mum was such a sweetheart.
"have you eaten? can i make you someth-"
mrs yamada was cut off by bruce.
"come on mum thats enough" he said slightly annoyed as he grabbed your hand to lead you upstairs to his room.

you felt bad for mrs yamada, bruce didnt usually cut her off like that but he seemed to be in a rush, he made quick work of dragging you into his room then slamming the door behind him instantly.

"bruce are you okay?"
he didn't answer, just turned to face you and inched a little closer. he put both hands on your cheeks and pulled you into a rough kiss. (someones a little freaky🤨🤨)  you kissed him back and grabbed hold of his shoulders to pull you closer.

however, your make out session was cut short when you felt something rub against your lower leg, georgie! you pulled away from bruce who let out a sigh.

"hello georgie!" you chirped as you stroked his soft head. he purred in response.
"ditching me for my cat again?" bruce sighed
you turned your head and looked up at him while softly laughing.

you kicked off your shoes then picked georgie up and carried him to bruces bed to cuddle with you. you lay down on your side and georgie curled up next to you.

"beautiful little boy" you whispered to him while stroking his soft fur and listening to him purr. you felt the bed dip beside you as bruce lay down too. you took no notice of him and just continued to cuddle his cat.

"sweetheart, i understand you love the cat more than me bu-"
you cut him off
"damn right i do"
he sighed and then went quiet.

after a while, georgie fell asleep so you turned over to face your boyfriend who was just staring up at the celling.
"hey" you said
"are you done with loving my cat more than me now?" he chuckled while turning to face you.
you smiled and nodded.

bruce pulled you into his warm chest and wrapped his arms around you. you took in his scent and smiled to yourself.

"i love you" you whispered, to both him AND his cat.


woah adorbs!! got this idea cos my cat was sat on me 🤭🤭🤭

also lmk if i should publish my lil story

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