Our New Home?

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After we'd had a grand feast; a food fight; washed; and changed clothes, we were escorted to a large, white floored, room that resembled a hospital wing. Lots of people in white lab coats were milling about, or waiting by treadmills, or sat at tables with various paramedical equipment laid out on them. Everything looked so organised.
The doctors made sure that we were all tended to: full medical check-ups. We were given liquids through vial and needle that we couldn't even have begun to comprehend. Our skin was checked and checked again - for any sign of the virus, obviously.
One by one, partway through these tests, we were led through a metal door at the end of the room: 'to be asked questions', Minho had said - he'd gone in first.

When it was my turn, I was immediately unsettled by the one white lightbulb in the centre of the ceiling; the black camera angled toward me; by the stern face of the rat-like man, Janson. I tried not to show how uncomfortable I was: they'd saved us after all, hadn't they? I shuffled in the plastic chair.
"What is your name?" Janson asked. When I told him, I saw him draw a tick on his paper and clipboard -- instead of writing my name. "And how long were you in the Maze for?"

"Over two months." Another tick. A scribble.

"And... what would you say the strangest thing that's happened to you in there is?" What?

"Sorry... what are these questions for?"

"We're trying to collect as much information against WCKD as possible." He was very calm, as though he'd been expecting this reaction.

"You don't need to worry about that: They're all dead."

He almost smiled. Was that amusing? "In years to come, your story will be vital to the history of mankind. We need to know what happened; how it made you feel."

I thought for a moment. Perhaps there was hope for humankind. And then we'd go down in history. It would be nice to be remembered. I decided to answer his question. "Well..." did I tell him I was a wolf? No. Stupid. "I think it was the Grievers."

"Grievers?" He asked, before jotting something down. He moved his arms forward to block the paper before I could try reading it, entwining his thin fingers as a barrier.

"Yeah. Big, oily spider-monsters with venomous scorpion tails." I explained. Then I realised hwo stupid I sounded. Maybe saying that I could transform into a wolf would have been easier to understand. "You can ask anyone else: we had to fight all of them to get out of the Maze."

"I see." He leaned back in his chair, a hint of disbelief on his face. "And what would you say you have learnt from the Maze: What changed you the most?" The Moon, probably.

"Losing my best friend." I still blamed myself. It would hurt for a very long time. "His name was Gally. I learnt that I shouldn't have left him alone when he was Stung. I should have made sure he was all right. I should've..." A tear slid down my cheek. Sickening remorse flooded through me.

Janson took a breath, uncomfortable.  "Okay. I think you should return to your friends now."


Newt was sitting in a chair, his hands atop a doctor's. The doctor was dropping tennis balls and Newt had to catch them: a reaction-time check. When Janson called the next person in, he ignored the dropped tennis balls as he walked over to me. "Are you all right, love?"

"Yeah, it's just... Gally."

He pulled me into a hug. "I know."

"Newt," the doctor called. He had picked up the tennis balls. Newt turned around. "Sorry..." He kissed me on the forehead and another doctor called me over to check my blood pressure. I wonder if that changed when I was sad.

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