A Box of Munies

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"I can hear the Berg!" I shouted to the others as we ran. It was fine: Jorge and Brenda would deal with that. It would be ours soon. Thomas banged on the side of the metal container.

"Minho, you in there?"

An uproar of shouting and the rattling of chains echoed from within the containers. "Which one is he in?" Vince asked.

But Aris and Faelan had been taken too. "They're in more than one of these," I called to Thomas.

"We can't take them all," Vince replied.

WCKD soldiers were running from the front part of the train, which had ground to a halt not far enough away.

I was running up and down the length of the train, trying to pick up the scents of our friends. Thomas called my name. "You got anything?"

There were too many scents in the air and the new moon made them dull. They blended together like ingredients submerged in liquid. It was difficult to pick each one out. "No! I'm sorry, Thomas -- I'll keep trying."

I climbed onto the top of the train and peered in through the mesh windows. But it was too dark inside by comparison to the bright daylight. I couldn't see a thing.

"This one!" I shouted. I picked up something familiar... was it Aris?

"You sure?"

I nodded, trying to look convincing.

Newt knelt beside the container and prepared himself.

I helped Thomas and Vince secure the ropes over the container. We needed a way to pull it once the others arrived with the hijacked berg.

"Newt, how's it going?" Thomas asked.

Dark goggles were over his eyes and a blowtorch was in his gloved hands. "Don't rush me," he said.

The sound of bullets bouncing off metal rang in my ears. The WCKD soldiers were running along the rails. They were close enough to start firing.

I flattened myself against the container's roof and pulled my pistol from my holster. I wasn't a perfect shot but I could try.

"Newt, get up here!" Thomas shouted, panicked. Sometimes, I thought he worried about him more than I did.

"Almost there," he replied, cool as a cucumber.
I heard the metal clang to the ground as he finished burning it from the train. He climbed up to join us and wrapped his arm around me. We searched the sky.
"Where the hell are they?" He groaned.

It wasn't long before the Berg arrived -- but still too long. The other Right Arm members had given up on their container and had climbed up to join us on ours. The Berg dropped a hook and I helped the boys pull it low enough to attach to the container.

Vince was able to climb on just as we were lifted.

The boys were cheering. It was another miracle that we weren't killed! But I couldn't return their smiles, not when I watched how many other containers we left behind. How many other kids we couldn't save.

Newt took my hand. His other was on one of the ropes. "Hey, we did our best. And we got something, didn't we?"

I couldn't disappoint him now.

"Yeah." I leaned into his body. I didn't know whom, but at least we'd saved some people from WCKD.


Another blowtorch burned enough of a gap for us to open the door to the container, once we'd brought it back to the the edge of town by the harbour.

Thomas and Newt went in, followed by Harriet and a couple of other Right Arm members. I watched as Thomas and Newt left, dejected. Minho wasn't there. "It's my fault." I said.

"It's the moon, it wasn't your fault," Newt countered.

Harriet wrapped her arms around me. "You got Aris, and Sonya."

Newt's sister. "What about Faelan?" I asked.

She shook her head, her braids falling around her shoulders. "I'm sorry."

I huffed.

As the Munies were released and joined us outside, Vince stood up on a pile of rubble, ready with a speech. I didn't want to listen to it. Not without my brother by my side, or Gally.

I walked off and joined Brenda and Jorge in their garage. "How are you feeling?" He asked Brenda after looking at her leg, where she'd been bitten.

"Awesome," she responded.

"I was just asking."

"I know, I know, you're just asking," she began. "Everyone is 'just asking'."

"I can't smell any trace of the virus returning," I said.

Brenda and I walked off to find where Sonya and Aris had been settled. They had been handed camping mugs of juice.

"Took you guys long enough to rescue us," Aris said.

"Good to see you too," Thomas replied. "So, what happened?" He pointed to his blackened eye and the cut across his cheek.

"If you want to talk about it," I added.

"I tried to fight back."

"They had us on the move a lot," Sonya said.

"Kept talking about a city."

"Denver." I breathed.

"What about Minho? And Faelan?" Aris asked.

"We couldn't get them," I said, looking down as the light from the boarded window was cast over my dusty boots. "We didn't have a lot of time; we could only get one carriage."

"I'm sorry," Newt said.


Not more than a day had passed and we were called into our 'office'. A bunker with maps and sheets of paper tacked to the whitewashed walls. Three lamps cast light onto the square table, which we sat around: Newt, me, Frypan, Brenda and Thomas. Vince walked over, his arms folded. A greasy, creased map was laid out in the centre of the table. Thomas tapped on an area within a hard-drawn circle.
"It should take a week, we can--"

Vince shut him down immediately.

"We can't stay here after what we just pulled, much less keep the base intact with over a hundred kids while you go on another suicide mission. You don't even know what's out there."

Jorge stepped into the dim light from the hallway. "I do. It's been a few years, but I've been there. 'The Last City' was what WCKD called it."

Why wasn't it surprising that he'd been there? A strange man of business who knew people no one had heard of and had been to places no one could get to.

"It was our whole base of operations," he continued. "But it's the last place you want to go, hermano."

They should have known that Thomas would obey no refusal.

"It's nothing we've not done before."

"With planning, reliable information, resources and the element of surprise," Vince countered.

Thomas spoke gently, quietly, as he leaned over the desk. "I've thought this through. Please hear-"

Vince leaned forward. "Last time we went off half-cocked, I lost everything!"

Thomas lowered his head.

"I know you care about your relatives; your friends. But you can't ask me to put our people on the line for two men."

Newt turned his head as the radio buzzed. I couldn't understand the waves of voices. We gathered our things and hurried out of the room; Jorge rushing to switch off the power.

From my room with Newt, which was now shared with Sonya and Aris; we watched as a Berg flew overhead. "We can't stay here," Newt said.

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