Rescue Plan

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Panic again. Everyone fled. We could still save a few! Even though WCKD had the upper hand, we had the element of surprise: I still had my wolf form and Thomas had his detonator. We were in luck. We deserved it.

Jorge toppled a helicopter with his truck alone and, as the woman and Janson tried to escape, one of the WCKD soldiers aimed his gun at Newt. I charged for him and wrestled the gun out of his arms. I was getting stronger as a wolf! And it wasn't even full moon!

"GET DOWN!" Thomas shouted. He must have triggered the explosive. I crouched behind a toppled vehicle and covered my ears with my paws, closing my eyes as sparks of magnesium shot upward a distance away.

A gunshot rang out here and there -- hopefully from our side. Within the stench of burning, smoke and petrol fumes, I picked up the now-healthy scent of Brenda and looked up to see her shoot Janson, who had been trying to kill Thomas. Yes, Brenda!

Vince was guiding as many of us to safety as he could. I saw him run to Harriet and jump onto the machine gun on his truck. More flashes of light and more smoke. It was choking! I couldn't see properly. It wasn't safe to move yet, but I couldn't stay here for long.

I felt a nudge from my side: Newt had joined me in wolf form. "Let's go, come on." His voice was gentle as his snout gently nuzzled mine, offering a comforting lick.

Minho herded Frypan and Faelan behind some crates as he fired at the soldiers. "Oh, shuck, he's run out of ammo."

I bounded in front of him, trying to act as a shield, but I'd been a second too late. The clinging metal bullet from a Launcher had clamped onto his chest, sending him backward. He convulsed a little, trying to regain himself. He'd already been struck by lightning once. Surely this would render him less vulnerable to the effects of the Launcher? But it still wasn't enough.

Newt barked at Thomas, warding the boy off as he attempted to move from his hiding spot to check on Minho. I stood in front of him, keeping guard for as long as I could, trying to figure out what to do if I was shot again.

A blow to the head knocked me to the ground, rendering me useless for a few seconds too long. Jorge pulled Thomas back as he attempted to rush forward. What had happened? I saw two WCKD soldiers dragging the incapacitated Minho to the berg. No.

"Keep her safe!" I heard someone shout in wolfspeak as something nudged me from underneath and I was lifted up. Faelan? It had been Faelan's voice, but this was Newt's golden coat.

"Hold on, love," Newt said to me. I was lying across his shoulders. I don't know when it had happened, but I had been transformed human. I adjusted myself on Newt and we rode toward the others.

I climbed off his back and he transformed. We looked up. The last few people were being loaded into the berg. They'd given up trying to get any more people.

Teresa stared at us from the closing doorway. I couldn't read her expression from where I was, but I wanted it gone. I wanted her dead.

The Berg's doors closed, its thrusters activated and slowly it lifted into the sky, before flying away.

"How many of us are left?" I shouted.


It wasn't until the next morning that we were able to count our dead. Sheets were pulled over bodies, supplies were scavenged from the rubble and packed into dusty bags. Weapons were gathered. Faelan, Minho and Aris were gone. Teresa had betrayed us. Mary was dead.

"What do we do now?" Frypan asked, his voice tired. He was sitting on a box, staring out into nothing. Newt placed a helmet from one of the WCKD soldiers in front of him and looked at it. The visor was black, and scratched.

"Well, we pick up what's left of us," Vince said. "We stick to the plan: we get you kids to the Safe Haven." I looked at Thomas, waiting for him to disagree. He wouldn't leave anyone behind, no matter what. But he said nothing.

Vince stood up. "We start over, I guess," he continued.

Thomas picked up his bag and hauled it over his shoulder. He stood up. "I'm not going with you."

Vince looked too tired to argue. "What..?"

"I made a promise to Minho."

I joined him. "Me neither. They have my brother and my friend. And I made a promise to the traitor." I cracked my knuckles.

"Kids, look around you. Look what just happened," Vince said.

Newt and Frypan stood, uncertainty in their exhausted faces.

"Think about where you're headed."

"I'm not asking anyone to come with me," Thomas replied. But he couldn't do it alone.

Newt blinked. "Tommy, listen to me. I've known Minho for as long as I can remember. And Faelan's saved our wolf asses a few times. So if there is any way we could help them, I'd be right up there standing next to you."

"You're not with us?" I asked.

"___, darling, this is impossible."

"More like suicide," Jorge added as he and Brenda stepped forward. I didn't see the knowing smirk on Jorge's face.

"Guys, c'mon," I said.

"Maybe," Thomas said. "But I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about them, it's about everyone they will take. They'll never stop."

"That's why we have to stop them."

"I'm gonna kill Ava Paige," Thomas decided.

"I'm in," Harriet decided, a rifle over her shoulder. Vince looked at her quizzically. "I'd like some revenge."

"Well, it's a good speech, kid," Vince said when he realised he was outnumbered in votes. "So, what's your plan?"


We spent the next three days gathering everything we had and burying our dead. We needed to set up camp elsewhere. Vince said there was a train track past the nearest town and it was still used frequently to move goods into Denver, 'the last city'.

"If I can get into contact with one of the train drivers, we'll be all set. Not all of them pledge their allegiance to WCKD. There are those who I've done enough favours for in the past," Jorge said. "It's high time they repaid those favours."

We brainstormed some ideas for a plan and Jorge taught us how to use guns properly. All we had to do was meet his friend and be ready for the next step. We could board the train and infiltrate it in some way!

We didn't know at the time that it would be three months before anything could be done.

"Why that long?" Thomas asked. We were standing in an office that had been tidied as much as possible given the Scorch. The windows were barred on the outside with wooden planks. There were snapped blinds instead of the dusty curtains at Marcus' club.

There was a fan on a dented filing cabinet in the corner, blowing relatively cool air into the room. A cable led out the window from it. Solar powered.

Jorge's acquaintance was sat behind a faded desk in a creaky chair, as if we weren't in an apocalypse. As if this was just another day at the office. Her hat sat rigidly on her head.

She took out a piece of paper from a drawer in her desk and dropped it on top of it. "Because that's when they're moving the kids to Denver."

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