Bloody Inspired

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Gally and the rescued munies would surely be with Brenda now. Alarms were blaring through the building: high alert. "Should I transform?" I asked as I ran alongside Thomas.

"Not yet; you need your gun!"

It was weird how I could keep clothes when I transformed, but not items.

We hid by a wall and looked through the glass door at an angle as soldiers jogged past, armed to the teeth. "We're screwed."

A dim hallway with flashing red and blue lights was where I picked up another familiar scent among the human adrenaline and faint scent of chemicals: The Chancellor.

I tried to warn Thomas, but a second passed and he saw her anyway. Her eyes widened in her sunken skin.

Thomas stepped forward, and Newt did after him: just to make sure it was her. Thomas cocked his pistol, but Newt and I picked up Janson's scent approaching from another corridor and shoved him aside as Janson fired his own gun at us -- fortunately missing and hitting the wall behind us.

We drew our Launchers when we reached the next corridor, and doctors and workers screamed, ducked and scrambled out of our way as we called the names of our friends. We fired at armed soldiers who ran toward us and shouted at us to freeze. I barely dodged one of their electrical bullets, leaping up after it bounced dangerously close to my boot.

Each room was empty and through the blue-tinted windows there was empty equipment inside that I couldn't even begin to comprehend. Somewhere in the chaos of us calling for Faelan and Minho and moving through the corridors without being killed, Thomas ran out of ammo for his launcher. "I'm almost out," he said once we'd hidden behind another wall and he'd checked his pistol.

Newt found an electrical grenade in one of the fallen soldier's pockets and tossed it at the WCKD soldiers. It beeped, opened and ejected bright sparks into the space around them, zapping the soldiers and burning through their skin. I closed my eyes from the blinding flash and pressed myself into Newt's body. He clutched my hip protectively and kissed my cheek.

Up and moving again. We were out of weapons and ammo, and turned another corner to see a solider aiming at us with his launcher. "FREEZE! NOW, GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!"

We stood still, hesitant and panting as our chests heaved beneath our stolen armour.

There was an aggravated shout and Faelan charged at the soldier, wolf-formed, pulling him to the ground. From the other side of the corridor, his face illuminated by blue and red flashes, was Minho, who punched the soldier until he dropped.

Minho's feet were bare and I could smell traces of blood on him. Had he stepped in glass? Faelan's fur was matted and it looked like he'd been pulling it out from his chest. His paws were pink and raw.

"What happened to you?" I asked, in wolf-speak.

"Not now."

He was right; it wasn't the time.

We locked ourselves in a room as Janson chased us with armed soldiers. Behind us was a window that overlooked the city, buildings stretching high, their windows like little squares of yellow or white light.

"Any ideas?" Minho asked.

Thomas shuffled, looking around as he caught his breath. "Maybe."

We launched a giant canister out the window and watched as it plunged into a pool at least 70ft below. I flinched at the grinding sound of someone trying to saw through the door.

"I think we just need a running start," Thomas said, panting. We stepped back, preparing ourselves for the leap. "Be careful, don't die."

"Thanks for the pep talk," Minho said.

"Yeah, it's great," Newt added. "We're all bloody inspired."

Just as the door was flung open behind us with a battering ram, we charged forward and leapt from the window.

The wind whipped through my hair as I descended after the boys. I didn't have time to look above me at Faelan, who had jumped last.

The water was cold and hit like a wall. But we were finally out of the building. Janson and his men wouldn't dare to follow us down.

I followed the blurred glow of the city as I ascended to the surface. We breathed deeply, catching our breath and pushing our hair out of our faces. Faelan was the first to swim to the side and shake off his coat.

The rest of us were barely out of the water before we heard the clicks of guns being cocked and the muffled shout from a soldier.

"Don't try anything. Get on your knees with your hands in the air." I stilled. Gally was with them; I was sure of it.

Before we could move, one of the soldiers turned and fired at the other three, before pulling off his mask. I was right! "Who's this?" Faelan asked.

"Not now."

"Gally?" Minho asked.

"Minho--" he nodded curtly and glanced up at the shattered window we'd jumped from-- "you guys are nuts."

I wondered how Brenda and Frypan were doing.


Once we'd caught our breath and regained our strength, we started to move toward the tunnels and hurried across the empty street of the city. We turned our heads to the bright flash and chaotic sound of an explosion.

The wall separating Denver from the rest of the world had been blown up, and so had some of the buildings nearby. The flares of debris were sent farther outward as an illuminated plume of smoke rose into the starless sky. "We're supposed to take down WCKD, not the whole damn city," Gally said, in awe. Our faces were lit by the orange explosion. As the light faded and a distant siren blared, we started moving. Gally was still, dumbfounded.

"Stay low," he instructed once he'd caught up with us and led us around a corner. A road had been blocked by emergency vehicles and I was temporarily blinded by their flashing lights. Soldiers piles out of oncoming vehicles and cocked their guns. We were stuck... again.

"What are they waiting for?" Minho asked.

Faelan's ear twitched and I saw him turn his head to another explosion -- too close to us -- at the end of the very street.

Cranks and other people from Lawrence's gang charged forward: some with makeshift weapons, some with just their bloodied fists. One of them had an RPG-7 and blew a car sky-high, its door clanging as it landed on the pavement beside us. "We gotta go," Gally decided.

In the chaos caused by the rebels, we managed to slip past unnoticed. I flinched at every sound.

We sought cover in a nearby empty building; a car dealership. Thomas located his talkie. "Brenda, are you there?" I'd imagined by now she'd taken the Munie kids back to the hideout.

"Thomas! I'm here."

"We're- we're not gonna make it."

"What are you talking about?"

Newt's arms wrapped around me and I melted into his body as we lied against a wall. Faelan stood beside Minho, as if guarding him, a low growl rumbling from the bottom of his throat.

Newt kissed the top of my head. "I love you," he said. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Faelan transformed into a human and turned his back to me. "Faelan?"

"Yeah?" He barely looked over his shoulder.

"Do you wanna talk?"

"I don't think there's time right now."

What was he hiding from me?

"Just look for us near the tunnels!"

"Brenda's coming to get us," Thomas told us.

I huffed. Finally, some good news. "That's assuring."

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