Found Family

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We moved in front of Brenda to protect her and the boys and I transformed into wolves.

"What the hell?!"


"Don't shoot!"

"Step back: If we let Cranks in here now, the Safe Haven doesn't last a week!" Vince shouted as Thomas tried to reason with him. Two men were holding Jorge back as Brenda was left to gasp for air on the ground.

"I understand," Thomas said. "But I told her you could help."

Vince cocked his gun. "I can put her out of her misery."

"NO!" Jorge shouted.

Then a woman ran over, brown hair trailing around her shoulders. "That's enough!" She shouted. "Let him go."

Who was this woman: Why did she want to help us all of a sudden? More importantly, what did she know? She looked down at Newt, Faelan and me. "Three..? But I could have sworn there were only two. Unless..."

"She's infected, Doc," Vince said to her, his gun still trained on Brenda. "There's nothing we can do for her."

"No," she said. She looked at Thomas, and then at us wolves. "But they can."

We looked at one another: "What?"

"Hello, Thomas, Faelan and ___."

"You know us?" Thomas asked.

She nodded slowly, realisation crossing her face. "Interesting. It makes sense they put you in the Maze." She moved and knelt beside Brenda. "Though, I must admit, I thought they'd kill you after what you did." She was talking to Thomas, who was still puzzled, as we all were. "The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore; watching your friends die one by one." She nursed Brenda's hand. "The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates of every WCKD compound, trial and lab."

"He was our source," Vince said, looking at him with something like awe in his blue eyes.

"Take this girl to the tent and get these guys some warm clothes," the doctor said. She looked at us wolves. "You can transform back: You're safe here." Her smile was warm and comforting, like that of a mother's. We transformed back and her smile grew wider. "You fell in love with Newt," she said to me. "Well, you were always close growing up."

"We what?" Newt asked.

"Tell us more!" Faelan exclaimed.

"Later, guys: Brenda needs help," I said.

The doctor asked Thomas to go with her, since our blood would have made Brenda a werewolf.


We sat in different groups: Newt with Faelan and me; Aris with Harriet and Sonya; and Minho with Frypan and... Teresa? Teresa had walked off and was heading toward the medical tent where Brenda was currently being treated. "I don't trust her," I said to the boys.

"She's only nosying after Thomas," Newt said dismissively.

I saw the doctor leave the tent and I ran to meet her. "Doctor!" I called.

"Please, call me Mary."

"Mary, what you were saying before, do you know anything else? Do you know how I'm a werewolf?" I heard footsteps behind me as Faelan approached -- Newt was a little way behind him.

"We discovered that animals did not get infected, so finding a way to put the enzyme that breaks down the virus into a human's body was worth an attempt."

"You worked for WCKD?" Newt asked.

"Yes. And we had the best intentions at first. Find a cure: save the world. Most children were immune, so you were the key. I've just used Thomas' blood to get the enzyme that will help Brenda. But there is a catch: she'll always need more." There was a sadness in her eyes as she explained.

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