The Safe Haven

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We were away from the chaotic parts of the city, far from Janson and the Chancellor when a voice began talking through every speaker in the city; an echoed repeat of Thomas' name.


What did she want now?

"Can you hear me? I need you to listen to me. I know you have no reason to trust me."

"She's got that right," I said as I folded my arms.

"But I need you to come back."

The city was still for a moment: silent. I forgot about the explosions and fighting in the distance as Thomas looked up -- as if he'd see her face somewhere in the giant blue screens on the skyscrapers.

"Thomas, you can save so many people. There's still time: There's a reason Brenda isn't sick anymore."


"It's your blood. Do you understand? She isn't sick because you cured her. She doesn't have to be the only one. And no one else needs to be a werewolf to be immune. All you have to do is come back and this will finally be over. Please, just come back to me."

Her voice cut out before she could start another sentence. "You don't have to," I said to Thomas. Tears welled in his eyes. A few more streets and we'd be back with Brenda and Frypan. We didn't have time for hesitation.

Gally nodded. "She's right. You don't owe Teresa anything." He was shuffling on his feet as if he was ready to break into a run at any second.

"But..." Thomas sighed, looking down at the concrete.

"Brenda has a serum -- from the safe, remember? We need to get out of here while we still can," he insisted, a hand on his shoulder to push his persuasion further.

"Before we lose anyone else," Faelan added.

Thomas took a deep and shaky breath, but nodded as he met our gazes. "You guys go. I'll meet you--"

"No! What do you think you're doing!?" Newt asked as Thomas turned and ran back toward the WCKD building.

"That shank is gonna get himself killed," Minho said.

"What is he doing?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Newt asked. "He's trying to get Teresa to come with us."

"No. I won't have it." I folded my arms across my chest.

"He'll be fine. Let's get the hell out of here while we still can," Gally said.

"I'll go after him. He could do with a guard dog," Faelan decided.

I looked at him. "Faelan?"

He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me. "I'll be all right. Go and get to freedom."

He turned, transformed to his wolf form and ran out into the city.

Minutes later, I heard his triumphant howl echoing into the night: he'd found Thomas.


Jorge drove the berg that brought Thomas out of the flames. High out of the city and farther still. It was a miracle he'd made it out alive. But he'd had my brother to protect him.

If only my brother had been as lucky.

Those who were fit and uninjured helped to build the camp. Fires were lit for warmth. The sky was cloudy over the vast ocean and the sea was more grey than blue. But we were safe. And this was a new and wonderful place, because it was untouched by WCKD.

My clothes were clean against my back and all my injuries had been tended to. My feet were bare, feeling the lush ground beneath me. "Are there any therapists here?" I asked as I made my way over to Vince and Newt: tilling a small field for crops. "I think I'll need one."

Vince chuckled. "We all do. We've got a few doctors; a few farmers and some other people of science. We'll be all right."

"I think I've heard those words a lot," I said. "But now I can finally believe them. I just... wish my brother could have been here too. We were so close. If Thomas hadn't--"

"We've all lost people: good people. What's important is we're still alive and nothing else can happen. I don't blame you for being angry with Thomas but it won't bring him back. He couldn't save Teresa and he felt pretty strongly for her. He's hurtin' too."


Newt's hand was warm on my arm. His smile was tired but genuine, the corners of his eyes creasing. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

It hurt like hell but I had to remember that there still was a positive side. I clutched his hand tightly in mine. Newt had made it too.

When Thomas came to, he wandered toward us, looking around like a lost pup, like he had done when he first came to the Maze. It felt so long ago now; the memory was so distant, even though it was only about a year ago.

Minho hugged him, tightly.


That night, just like in the Maze, we all sat around a large bonfire; about a hundred of us, listening to Vince as the sun set pink in the sky behind him. "We've all come a long way and sacrificed so much to make this possible. Your friends... your family..." He lifted a tin mug in his hand and, slowly, we all did the same. "So, here's to the ones who couldn't be here, here's to the friends we lost."

I felt tears welling in my eyes and Newt's hand found my hip, pulling me into him.

"This place is for you, for all of us, and this--" he pointed to a large rock behind him, buried in the sand-- "this is for them. So, in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace."

He planted the chisel into the table behind him.

"And welcome to the Safe Haven!" He shouted. Whoops and cheers followed as we lifted our mugs and drank.


"I don't even have anything of his," I said to my Newt and Gally as I lifted the chisel to the stone to carve Faelan's name the next day.

"You have his smile," Newt said to me.

I giggled.

"That's the one---I don't think he'd want you to be stressing yourself about him."

Later that day, I took a walk along the beach, Newt's hand in mine. I felt the wind in my hair, the sand beneath my bare feet. The sound of the waves pushing against the shoreline were nothing short of therapeutic. "It's a full moon tonight," he said. "What do you wanna do?"

"I'd like to come back here, and run along the beach with you."

He chuckled. "It's high tide tonight, love."

I pouted. "Oh, no fair."

He lifted my arm and turned me in a circle. "There's a mountain, though; we could go over there and have some fun?" He narrowed his eyes seductively.

"I'd love to."

He smiled, almost excited, and pressed his lips to mine. His hands found my hair and gently tugged as he pulled my hips close to him. I breathed in his scent and clutched his body to mine. "I'll never let you go," I whispered.

"I love you," he whispered back as his lips found my neck, his hair soft against my chin. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. I'm so glad you're here."

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