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A blue glow lit our faces and a train horn sounded as we made our way up a staircase. The crowd we'd walked with had dispersed; each going their own separate ways to nowhere and anywhere. Here, we had time to really look around.

The city was lit by millions of blue, red and white lights from buildings that looked twice the height of the walls back in the Maze. On billboards or literally flashing on screens on the sides of these buildings were videos and images of WCKD propaganda and Flare virus warnings -- some more graphic and disturbing than others.
A train whooshed past on a track above us: electric and almost inaudible as only blue light was visible from the windows and red lights flickered at its wheels.

"This is a long way from the Glade," Newt said.

"Fifteen minutes to mandatory curfew. Please make your way home in an orderly fashion," a nearby speaker blared.

"Yeah. Anyway, we gotta get off the streets. I know it's hard but you gotta pretend you've seen it before," Gally said monotonously.

We ran across streets and hid beside buildings, pressing our backs against the cold stone. "There are cameras everywhere," I pointed out. "Hiding like this does nothing."

"It stops the people in cars from noticing us, at least," Newt replied. One passed us: its yellow lights flickering as a bird-like siren beeped from its speakers.

"They definitely have security," Gally said.

"Not very good though." I poked my head forward. "How did they not see us?"

"Cars like that weren't this far out before. Guessin' you shanks have something to do with that."

We hurried across another street: looking all around. I somewhat felt as though I recognised the street. "Hey, I know this place..." The shops sold clothes and there was a red and blue neon sign attached to the wall of a bar on the corner of a street.

"Keep moving."

"Is this downtown?"
Gally picked me up over his shoulder and carried me onward. "Gally!"


We climbed up the side of a wall and carefully jogged along the side of it, to a concrete roof among the jungle of lights and stone.
We looked ahead, to the WCKD facility.

"There it is. If WCKD has Minho, that's where he'll be," Gally said.

"And my brother," I added.


"It's a long story," I replied. "I can explain another time."

He shrugged and picked up a telescope before attaching it to the metal fence. "Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years. The place is crawling with soldiers and they got surveillance everywhere: scanners on every floor."

"Sounds like a bloody fortress," Newt said.

I thought back to the amount of cameras we'd seen on our way here. How would we get into the facility through all that? It was a miracle we'd made it into the city.

"I thought you said you had a way in," Thomas said bluntly.

"I might," Gally replied.

Thomas removed his hands from where they were resting on the fence and turned to face Gally. "You might?" He echoed. "The hell do you mean 'might'?"

Gally wasn't fazed. He stepped back and let Thomas look through the telescope where he had positioned it: toward the hundreds of windows of the WCKD building.

After a moment of adjusting it, he stumbled backward.
Newt peered through the lens and hesitated. He even tried to stop me as I moved to take a look. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Let me see."

"Darlin', I don't think that's--"


He stepped back to give me space and I looked through the lens to see Teresa working among the other doctors. It was definitely her. I'd recognise that smug mindless determination anywhere. I felt numb. I clenched my fists.

"Cool. Once she gets us in, I can kill her," I said, my mouth twisting into a wicked grin.


Once back at Lawrence's hideout, we gathered the others and stood in a room full of papers and maps. It looked like Vince's office. "There's gotta be another way," Thomas said, pacing around the room.

"Like what?" Gally replied. "You've seen the building, she's our only way in."

Newt was stroking my shoulders as we leaned over the table, staring at one of the gas masks. He seemed to be trying to comfort himself more than me.

"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas asked.

Gally scoffed. "I don't plan on asking for her permission."

"Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct?" Brenda asked.

"Are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt?" Newt asked.

"Newt..." Thomas breathed.

"I think he's asking if this is just about Minho and Faelan, or if you want to help a certain someone," I clarified. "Remember why they're stuck there in the first place." I stood from my seat. "Your hesitation by her is gonna get us nowhere. I thought you were supposed to be a leader." I walked out of the room and went to sit on the roof.


I heard footsteps before I picked up the scents of Newt and Thomas approaching.

Newt sat beside me. "Did I ever tell you how I broke my leg?" He asked Thomas. "Well, ___ knows."

"It was an accident. I didn't quite mean to know."

"It's all right."

Thomas crouched beside us. "How?"

"It was a group of thirty of us, when we were first put in the Maze. Not all of us survived, and by the time you came up in the Box, we'd lost over twenty shanks to all sorts." Newt stared off into the distance as he relived the memory. "One day, I couldn't take it anymore. So, during my run in the Maze, I climbed up as high as I could on one of the walls, and I... jumped off."

Thomas' eyes were solemn as he listened to Newt. I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend to comfort him, breathing in his scent.

"Minho found me and dragged me out. If he hadn't, I would have been Griever food. And we didn't tell anyone about what happened." His gaze met Thomas' again. "Minho saved my life. And now he needs us. So, if there is even the slightest chance that we can get him out of there, we need to take it."

Thomas nodded slowly, tears glinting in his brown eyes. "Okay, I hear you."

When we got back, Gally told us that they'd received intel about WCKD. "They've been allowed to use animal DNA again. I don't know what this could mean for your brother, but... I don't think it's good."


Before the sun slipped beneath the infinite city buildings, we made our move. It was time to lure Teresa out of the city. I went with Thomas. It seemed that no matter where we ended up, there were always walls, cameras or sick people. Would we ever be free?

"Do you have her scent?" Thomas asked as we moved through the crowd. We moved to the side of the road: out of the way of the hustle and bustle.

"Give me a second: there's about a thousand people here-- wait."

I lifted my face to the air and breathed in deeply, allowing each scent to hit the back of my throat from all across the city. I even closed my eyes in the hopes of picking up anything I'd missed.

I shook my head and Thomas' shoulders slumped to his sides. "Maybe we should--"

"No." I felt it rude to interrupt, but a new collection of scents wafted through the air: as if doors to a building opened and a collection of people were moving out.

Ah yes, the stench of selfish betrayal.

"I've got her scent."

GladerWolf 2 (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now