Tests For Nothing

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Every Glader captured by WCKD had been interrogated on what they knew about the Right Arm's plans. Many didn't know. Others didn't want to speak. But WCKD's torture methods rivalled those of war crimes. Information would spill whether the teens were left broken mentally or not.
They were kept separated as much as possible to avoid sharing ideas of escape, but it didn't matter anyhow. The WCKD facility in Denver was a landmark. No one was getting in or out of there without being checked and checked again. It stood tall, with its four letters spelled on the side with bright white neon.
Government funds had allowed WCKD to continue with their work for as long as physically possible. They barely had proof of progress but Chancellor Ava Paige had insisted on using animal DNA to get results. This was something people wanted to find out about. The government didn't want that.

Faelan was cuffed by the wrists and ankles to a dentist's chair that was torn at the sides from gripping and struggling, the polyurethane foam spilling out. Clear plastic cannulas led in and out of his arms; one carrying blood out, the others giving him various fluids and general anaesthesia.

"He's taken longer to fall asleep than the other subjects," Janson said to the Chancellor and Teresa as they watched him and a display of his brain activity through a glass window. The room was furnished with only a desk, a computer and two spin-chairs. There was a window on the right side that overlooked the city. It was night. Due to all the light pollution, the only lights in the sky were from passing Bergs or helicopters. The entire city was lit from below by modern shops, suites and hospitals.

Teresa was wearing a white button-down coat and her dark hair was tied tightly behind her head. She was more closely resembling Ava Paige than ever -- both of them on the wrong road to finding a cure for the Flare.

"That would be his wolf DNA," Ava responded, watching the boy writhe in response to the chemicals in his mind forcing him to relive his worst memories in the form of nightmares: warping them to blur the lines between truth and reality. This would make him lose faith in his friends and give up any hope of escaping. "You were with him in the Scorch for a time," Ava said to Teresa. "What can you tell us about him?"

Teresa tried to ignore Faelan's screams of terror as she spoke. "He was often the first one to act – a bit like Minho, which is why they're both here. He was very protective of Newt and ___. He's tough, that's for sure. But I think I remember Mary saying something about wolf DNA with regards to a cure."
She'd told them about Brenda but they didn't believe that such a small amount of immune blood could render her illness tame so successfully -- especially not from a human. But Thomas had always been special to them. They tried to get him back every opportunity they had.

"It's true that the wolf DNA has worked to make Newt immune," Ava said to Janson.

"The wolf gene was able to be transferred from their very skin for a couple of months," Janson continued to Teresa. "One of the Psychs thought it would be funny if we put a trace amount on their lips to begin with. But it cannot be transferred that way any longer."

"Well, do you have any more of the wolf gene that we can test on people who aren't immune?" Teresa asked. "That way, we wouldn't have to–" She stopped talking for a moment as Faelan screeched, thrashing helplessly in his chair. "...do this."

"We do what is necessary, not what is easy," Janson replied dryly. "We have no more of the wolf gene."

"Couldn't we make it?"

"We had some... difficulties bringing the wolves with us from our compound by the Mazes. They are no longer an option," Janson stated. He didn't look like he wanted to explain further. Teresa stayed silent as she watched Faelan.


He was running through a forest as a wolf. The sun was concealed through the canopy and clouds, but he continued running. Eventually, he came to a clearing with a campfire and various logs lain around it. There were people he half-recognised sitting on the logs, and before he could transform into a human, they all turned to him with weapons in their hands and frowns on their faces.

"Get back!" and, "Monster!" they shouted, among similar terms.

"Wait, but you know me, guys? Don't you?" He held his hands in front of him to defend himself but did not attack. "Aris?" He was brandishing a spear and lancing it toward him with such a speed. He didn't look like he was trying to miss. Faelan tripped on a stone and fell backward.
"Thomas?" He asked, looking up.

'Thomas' had a large rock in each hand. "Get back, okay?" He shouted, getting ready to throw one.

Faelan scrambled backward until his head hit the trunk of a tree. "But you know me! It's Faelan! Newt!"

"I don't know you. You're a monster!" Newt's machete plunged down into Faelan's chest.

Lastly, Faelan whispered the name of his sister. She cackled as she drove the blade deeper into his chest. "Another monster dead! Let's celebrate!"

And then she turned and he closed his dark eyes. When he opened them, he was in the desert, stranded. Any sign that he had just been stabbed was gone. He wearily made it to his feet.

"Is this a nightmare?" He asked no one. Sand swept through his clothes and the tiny particles pricked his skin like needles. "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?"


After the 'tests' were run, the Psychs confirmed that Faelan's brain activity and blood showed signs of having already been infected with the Flare. "Like Newt, he was not immune before the genetic modification of the wolf DNA," Ava Paige said to Teresa.

"How can we get the cure from him?" Teresa asked, her blue eyes widened.

"We would not be able to do that without turning everyone into werewolves," Janson explained. He was now sitting at the desk behind the computer. "I emailed the government his results. They replied saying that they want no evidence of us having used animal DNA in our tests." He leaned back, rubbing his forehead.

Teresa's heart dropped. "What does that mean?"

Ava Paige sighed as she watched Faelan be dragged from the room in a semi-conscious state by two Psychs. His legs dragged limply behind him. "It means we have to destroy the evidence."

"But, we can't! We can't lose another source for a cure!"

"Then, we'll just have to farm him first," Janson decided.


Faelan came to when he was back in his room. It was like a prison cell: four walls, one bed, no paintings, no windows. The only other room he could access was an en-suite bathroom. And even that was nothing more than 'adequate'. It was the only room without a camera -- he hoped.

He sat in the small bathtub and washed himself. In his mind, we went over all of his memories, aloud, and made sure that he knew that his nightmares were just that. "They're not real," he said. "They would never hurt me. They'll get me out. I'll be fine."

He leant forward and hugged his knees, tears flowing down his cheeks. "I'll be... fine."

GladerWolf 2 (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now