The Helicopters

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Warning: mentions of suicide, mild language

"I can hear helicopters," I choked as I stood up. "I... no..."

"I hear them, too," Faelan said. He looked into the sky.

"We can't--" tears stung my eyes -- "I can't do this again."

Newt stood and wrapped his arms around me, placing a kiss to my forehead.

The camp erupted in a panic and Thomas ran back to us. Missiles were fired into the heart of the camp, exploding in light and heat.

Soldiers dropped down from the helicopters, armed to the teeth. Immediately, they began shooting with Launchers. Everyone fled. Pure chaos. "What do we do?!" I exclaimed as we ran into the rising smoke. People were being electrocuted left, right and centre. Faelan herded me and a few others to join a group and we fled.

"KEEP MOVING, KEEP MOVING!" Someone shouted.

"GO, GO!"

Being in a large group put us at a disadvantage: the shots were less likely to miss. As a result, people in our group were picked off as we fled. We made our way behind a truck: Vince was already firing back, Harriet helping him. We were given rifles to help him.

I held the rifle in my arms and aimed. I didn't even know how to use a gun and I could barely focus. Everything felt hazy, as if it wasn't really happening. I wished it wasn't happening.

"It's so loud," I whispered, dropping the gun and trying to cover my ears.

There were too many soldiers. We'd never win like this...

I felt hands cover mine over my ears, and a hand on my hip, pulling me to the side. "Come on," someone whispered. "Come on, down you go."

It had been Faelan covering my ears as Newt placed his hand on my hip and guided me to hide behind the truck. I shook my head, pushing them away. My 'little moment' had cost them time: time they couldn't afford to lose. "Get back to the fight!" I shouted. "I'll transform." If they'd said anything to me after that, I couldn't hear it. I'd been deafened by the sudden buzz of everything.

I shifted and bounded forward, daring to tear launchers from the soldiers' grasps. Two men down. Three. I was forced to stillness when I was shot in the chest. I could smell my own flesh burning. My body shuddered as I dropped to the side. I couldn't form a coherent thought.

I felt myself being dragged across the dirt. "No."

I leapt up and snapped at my attacker; grabbing an arm and pulling and twisting as if I could force it from its socket.

"It's enough, ___. We've already lost," someone said in wolfspeak. I looked over to see a crowded group of the Right Arm and the rescued Maze teens, all with their hands up. I let go of the soldier's arm and walked over to Newt like a disappointed pup.

"Transform back!" One of the soldiers bellowed. It was the most painful transformation I'd ever had. Perhaps it was the stress of the situation. It felt as though every bone was trying to leave my body at once: each in a different direction.

I was forced to my knees and something scanned the back of my neck. "A4!" He declared. An agitating sound was ringing in my ears.

A man standing next to Janson, the most despicable man in the universe, jotted something down on a clipboard. Our subject numbers.

"Where's Thomas?" Janson asked.

"Right here," he said as he emerged from the orange smoke. A twisted smile pulled at Janson's face as Thomas held his hands up, WCKD soldiers pointing their launchers at him to deter him from trying anything.

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