The Scorch

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"Kids!" Janson shouted. Thomas immediately pointed the gun at him, cocked it and ordered him to open the door. "You really don't want me to," was his reply as he raised his arms in the air. Minho tried the key card on the door - a bit more gently than Thomas had. "Listen to me: I'm trying to save your life. The Maze is one thing but you won't last one day out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will - you have to believe me." He spoke calmly, as though he still had full control over the situation. Like we were back in that dark little room waiting for him to ask us questions. "I only want what's best for you."

"Yeah, let me guess, WCKD is good?" Thomas said.

Janson lowered his arms, his smile turning into a tooth-gritted sneer. "You're not getting through that door, Thomas." At that, the door machine beeped: it had worked!

Standing on the other side were Aris and Winston. "Hey, guys," Aris said between pants. We ran through, and Thomas shot at the guards as he backed towards us. Sliding under the door just in time. Aris broke the card swiping machine on our side so Janson couldn't get through.

Once we were finally out of the building, we were hit by dark blue sky and strong winds. "Shuck," Minho exclaimed. "Can't we hide somewhere and wait for this storm to pass!?"

"Not if you want us to live!" Faelan exclaimed. He transformed into a wolf and Newt and I followed suit: it would be easier to run that way. And that's what we did: we ran.

Lightning struck the sand around us as we hurried to get as far away from the WCKD compund as possible. They'd never catch us: not this time! We'd forgotten, at the time, that we were in an apocalyptic world. But that didn't matter at the moment. We needed to make it up a dune and away from WCKD's searchlights. They'd left the building in cars and on foot: looking for us.

"Where are we even going?" Someone shouted. We followed Teresa into an old building filled with sand.

"Where the hell are we?" Minho asked as he shone a torch around the room. It looked like an old shopping centre.

"We gotta go," Thomas said as the boys and I transformed back into humans. We were able to do it faster now; less painfully.

"Thomas, stop!" Teresa shouted. "Tell me what's going on."

"Can't you wait until we have time?" I asked.

"It's WCKD," Thomas said. "They lied to us; we never escaped. Me and Aris saw bodies: too many to count."

"Dead bodies?" Minho asked.

"No, but they weren't alive, either. They were strung up, tubes coming out of them. They were being drained," he explained through pants. "There's something inside of us that WCKD wants." Newt and I looked at one another.

"Okay," Newt said. "Well, we managed to get out of the animal pen we were being held in. So, what's the plan? You do have a plan, right?"

Thomas looked down.

"We followed you out here and now you're telling us you don't even know what you're doing!?" Faelan exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air.

"Calm down," I said to him, my eyes glowing. "We've all been through enough stress. Don't shout at him." He nodded, bowing his head. I turned to Thomas. "What've you got?" He stayed silent, hesitant.

"Wait," Aris began, his face full of thought. "Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains: some kind of resistance or army."

"The Right Arm," Thomas said. "The Right Arm: if they're really against WCKD, then maybe they can help us."

"People... in the mountains," Newt stated, his hands on his hips.

"That sounds far," Faelan continued.

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