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Warning: This chapter contains smut. Another warning will be placed for where it starts and ends.

"So, what are they doing with them now?" Jorge asked.

"Anything," the train driver said. Off our glances, she cleared her throat. "The labs at the original compound haven't been 'perfected' just yet. It's possible they'll just go back to the one you came from."

A shiver pricked down my spine.

"I'm not going back--"

"That's fine, we don't have to," Newt said.

"We can stop the train while it's moving!" Thomas announced.

"WCKD will have counter-measures;" the train driver said. "They'll just take the carriages by Bergs. There are always Bergs following the trains, even if they're not close enough for you to see them."

"What moon is it that day?" I asked.

The woman looked at me quizzically.
"How the hell am I meant to know that?"

I had forgotten how bizarre my predicament was. "Sorry; inside joke."

"Okay then... Jorge, I hope you know what you're up against."

"I do," he responded. "Don't worry about what I know, hermana, just tell me where the best point of attack is and what I'm going to need to open one of the carriages."

She leaned back into her chair. "It's metal. A blowtorch'll do you good. Best point of attack is outside town. No one'll bother you out there. You'll need a couple of vehicles and people already posted by the tracks to signal to you, I reckon. Are these kids Munies?"

We nodded, unsure of whether to be proud or uncomfortable.

"Well, I'll be. They'll probably still be lookin' for you kids. Stay sharp. I can stop the train for enough time when it gets to it, but you're gonna have to put in half the work: I don't want WCKD puttin' my head on a chopping block."

"Understood," Vince said.

"Thank you," Thomas added.

She swatted her hand at him, dismissive.

"Let's get this show on the road," Jorge said.

During the next three months, we planned our route. I worked hard to increase the strength of my human form as well as my wolf form, and Jorge taught us how to drive. He'd already taught us how to use guns, and he'd filled us in on what we'd missed in the world while in the Maze.

Brenda had been just fine, despite being inflicted with the Flare Virus months ago. Her hair had grown out too. It looked nice!
The doctor, Mary, had told us that she'd need more serum, but Thomas' blood had rendered that null.

"Maybe you're part wolf, too," Frypan joked.

"Maybe we'd know if he howls," Newt added.

There was an empty space in the conversation, where Minho or Faelan might've said something.
No one filled in for them.

"I'm gonna go get some rest. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow," Thomas said.

We'd been staying in a few empty buildings on the outskirts of town, close enough to the train tracks to know if we'd missed our chance. We needed to be outside town, ready, hours before it arrived.

I looked up at the moon. A waning crescent.
"Tomorrow isn't gonna be fun, Newt," I said as I made my way to our room. We had slept on the same bed: a double mattress as clean as you'd expect it to be after being outside in the dust for years.

But it didn't matter: his arms were comfort enough.

Old clothes shops were easy to raid and mattress covers could still be found stowed in drawers. A few, anyway. There were a makeshift showers in the centre of town; places for people to brush their teeth; wash their clothes. But it was a trust thing. Those who ruined it for others were dealt with by the town's higher-ups. We were decent enough to go unnoticed, so long as the tattoos on the backs of our necks remained hidden. We heard gunshots ring out whenever someone was found to be a Crank.

"What moon?" Newt asked as I settled into his arms.

"There isn't one."


New moons made us tired during the day and restless at night. For such an important mission, this was a great obstacle.

"Do you think WCKD did that on purpose?" I asked.

"Well, we are the tanks of the group."

I giggled and he pressed his nose to mine.

"You know, even though we're not at the Safe Haven, I've enjoyed the time I've been able to spend with you," I said. "This is the calmest I've been for a long time."

Newt squeezed my hands and pulled me closer to him by my waist. He kissed me on the forehead. "I love you, ___."

"I love you too."

*Smut warning*

Newt started kissing me and ran his hands down my sides. He kissed my neck and I stroked his golden hair with my fingers.

He pulled down my leggings and started rubbing me. His lips were soft against my neck.

I palmed him through his boxers and listened to his breath shudder as he became hard against my hand.

He was eager to remove his boxers and I helped him pull down my leggings. He pushed into me and we both breathed deeply. "Bloody hell," he breathed through gritted teeth.

I climbed on top of him and pressed my lips to his as he sped up his thrusts.



"Shuck, we're gonna be late."

The sky was still dark; the sun not yet visible. Frypan was rushing around outside our room like a lunatic Crank. Newt and I tried to match his speed as we prepared ourselves. I found my new pistol and holstered it.

This was the plan:
Thomas and Vince would go via truck to one side of the track and Brenda and Jorge (who had already left), would be on the other side. Frypan and Harriet would join them and help distract the Berg.

Thomas and Vince would get on top of the train and disconnect the carriages from the engine.

Once the train had stopped, the rest would emerge from our 'hiding/waiting spots' further up the track.

Jorge had told us we couldn't rely on the driver: how would you know the date you're driving months in advance?

We arrived, and I hid myself behind a large rock with Newt. The sun had started rising.

"You guys got anything?" Someone asked from further back.

I lifted my nose to the air and concentrated. Senses were dulled on a new moon but I had to try. "I can hear the train," I said.

It didn't arrive for another twenty minutes.

I heard the expected gunfire and the increased rumble of the tracks. There had been a problem, though, when the train finally passed us, and I watched the front car get separated, along with several of the carriages.

We'd been told the first three would be used for supplies only, but at least ten were still attached. "They must have been forced to stay back," I whispered to Newt.

We didn't have to wait much longer when we heard Thomas' whistle. Newt stood, waiting for the all-clear.

The moving part of the train stopped further ahead. We didn't have long.

"Come on, guys, let's go," Newt shouted to us.

We ran to the train with our equipment. I patted my holster to make sure my pistol was still there. It was. Good.

GladerWolf 2 (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now