Gunshots in a Canyon

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'Bertha' was a 4x4 truck with a pair of Longhorn Cattle horns attached to the grill. Newt had claimed shotgun and the rest of us were either in the back or crouching in the boot. I was sitting between Minho and Brenda in the back seat. None of us said a word. Jorge looked over his shoulder at us as we drove along an endless highway, passing dried shrubbery and yellow fields. And Newt was grinning. 'Look at us, we're in a car! Look how far we've come!', his smile seemed to say.

We looked up at damaged pylons and rocky mountains that had been untouched by the effects of the Flare. If anything, nature had been allowed to adapt and flourish, even a little, since no humans had plagued its surface.

After a few hours, we came to a stop in a canyon before a pile-up of rusted cars; all with doors and boots open as people had tried to make a getaway. There were at least eight cars in front of us, all facing different directions as though there had been a crash in the panic of when the Flare started. "Huh, I guess we're on foot now," Jorge said.

It was silent, aside from a few distant bird caws and a soft breeze. "I can smell people," I said.

"It smells familiar," Faelan added. I shook my head no.

We searched through boots and reached through open or smashed windows: no food. Just blankets, towels and empty barrels; a suitcase that had been flung open to reveal nothing more than an old jacket. Teresa was looking out into the distance. "Waiting for someone?" I asked.

"Yeah- I mean." I'd caught her off-guard. "You said you smell people."

"You'd better hope they're on our side," I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Perhaps I was being silly; jumping to conclusions. But when she turned on her heel and walked away, it only aided my suspicion.

The spring of a bullet against metal. "Get down!"

"Take cover!"

We crouched and hid behind the cars as the echo of gunfire replayed around the canyon. "Is everyone okay out there?" Thomas shouted.

"We're fine!" Teresa responded.

"Does anyone know where those bloody shots came from!?" Newt added. His arm was wrapped around me protectively. Even with my wolf senses, I couldn't answer his question.

I saw Thomas poke his head up from behind a car. More gunfire. "Stay down, shuckface, you're gonna get us killed!" I said.

I heard Jorge talking to him. "Everybody!" Jorge shouted. "Get set to sprint back to the truck, and hold your ears!"

"The scents are stronger," Faelan said. He had hidden himself in the dusty boot of one of the cars. "I recognise them!" He was smiling. Two girls had Jorge and Thomas stand with their hands up, ordering them to get back. One with brown hair, the other with blonde; bandannas covered the lower halves their faces, but Faelan had started laughing. "It's them!" He shouted, "they're from my Maze!"

"Didn't they mistreat you?" I asked.

He shrugged. "If I can stop them from shooting for a minute, I can at least create a diversion. Harriet! Sonya!" He shouted. The girls stopped.

"Show yourselves, don't be stupid, come on!" One of them shouted. Aris slowly stood up and Faelan rolled out of the boot.

"Aris? Faelan?" The dark haired girl asked.

Faelan started laughing -- again. Aris squinted. The girl pulled the bandanna from her face.

"Harriet!?" Aris exclaimed, shocked that it was really her. She pulled him in for a hug and we slowly lowered our hands from where they'd been suspended in a defensive position. "Sonya!"

The blonde-haired girl pulled him in for a hug next and Faelan lifted Harriet up as he hugged her. "Faelan!" She screeched. "Put me down!"

"You're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb asses," Sonya added.

"What's happening?" Minho asked.

"We were in the Maze together," Aris said, beaming.

"I told you guys," Faelan added.

Harriet put away her gun, brought her fingers past her lips and whistled. "We're clear, guys, come on out!"

We looked up and saw people stationed at the top of the canyon. Each of them had a gun. We were lucky to have Faelan and Aris.

We walked past the cars; through the tunnel, and Sonya called for someone to reverse a huge military-type truck for us to pass through.

There were loads of trucks here, some with a man sitting atop it with a gun, others with just the machine gun. It was like a makeshift military compound.

"We're taking them to base," Harriet said to one of the guys. He nodded for us to keep moving.

"How did you guys get here?" Aris asked.

"The Right Arm got us out," Harriet said.

"Wait, wait." Thomas stepped forward.

"The Right Arm?" Frypan asked.

Harriet smiled and opened the dusty door to one of the trucks. "Hop in."


We were separated into two trucks. More driving across more winding roads between dry plains. Newt held my hand the entire time. We looked at each other and he squeezed my hand in excitement as a grin flashed on his face. Excitement. And who could blame us? We were finally going to the Right Arm; a strong force of resistance against WCKD and a sanctuary for those of us who'd been used as subjects in the Mazes. And yet, there was still a strange scent in the air -- one that reminded me of the Cranks.

We stopped by a huge camp with many tents set up. Large metal barrels were scattered about, or being used as tables. It felt colder here than it was when we'd escaped WCKD's compound days ago: people were wearing hats, coats and gloves. And everyone here was busy: not even batting an eye at us as we walked down. "They've been planning this for over a year now," Harriet said to us as we followed her through the camp. "This is all for us."

"You're lucky you found us when you did," Sonya added. "We're moving out at first light---where's Vince?" She called to one of the other men. He pointed nonchalantly with his head.

"Who's Vince?" I asked.

"He's the one who decides if you get to stay," Harriet replied.

We all tensed for a second. But it made sense. We couldn't just walk into a place like this and expect them to welcome us with open arms: it was too risky.

"I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army," Minho said, looking around.

"Yeah, we were." We turned to see a man walking toward us with a gun strapped over his back and two other men following him. "A lot of good people died getting us this far."

A group of people collected by the rocks to watch us.

"Who are they?" Vince asked Harriet as he nodded toward us.

"They're Munies, too." Harriet and Sonya moved to stand beside Vince.

Brenda must have disagreed with that past statement. She fell to the ground and started panting for breath. Jorge rushed to her and held her upright in his arms. "I'm sorry," she gasped.

Vince knelt beside them. "What's going on with her?"

The scent I'd picked up in the truck... "She's been infected."

Vince looked down at her leg and I followed his gaze. A black bite mark was set into her skin with blackened veins creeping around it. He stood up and drew a handgun from his holster. "We've got a Crank!" He shouted.

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