The Interrogation

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TW: Slight Gore

"Get her. She might consider you a friendly face," I said to Thomas. "I'll go to the others. See you in a bit."

He gave a curt nod and disappeared into the oncoming crowd. I ventured back through the streets to find the others.

"Can I kill her before she--"

"No killing," Gally said.

"Aw, why not?" I whined.

He looked at me with his piercing blueish eyes, his brows raised. Then his gaze softened, becoming sorrowful. "What happened to that Greenie wolf from the Maze who never wanted anyone to get hurt for her sake? What happened to you?"

"I got betrayed." Newt tried to pull me into a hug but I pushed him away so I could finish speaking to Gally. "What happened to that Builder who kept an eye out for me when I thought I was on my period? What happened to your smile?"

He nearly scoffed. "Wolfy, I..."

"We've both changed, Gally. I was wrong to think that things were going to be the same as the Maze now that you're back, but you can't expect me not to be angry. That girl, that bitch, is the reason--"

"Is the reason we even found Gally again in the first place," Newt said to me. "You both need to calm down and remember what we're here for. Thomas will be here with Teresa soon."

Thomas shortly turned the corner into the empty hallway. We hid behind the columns in the walls as Teresa walked in, calling his names. There were tears in his eyes when he started talking to her. His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Hey, Teresa," he said to her.

"Thomas, you can't be here. if Janson finds out you're--..."

He stepped toward her. "I just... had to see you," he said. Newt and I shared uncertain glances.
"I had to ask you something," he continued. Teresa was silent, awaiting his question. I could hear my own heartbeat. The traitor was right in front of us...

"Do you regret it: what you did to us?"

I could hear her heartbeat too. She was rattled when she nodded, her own eyes bleary. "Sometimes. But I did what I felt was right. And I'd do it again."

Thomas lowered his gaze. Newt clutched onto my arm before I could run at her. Gally stepped out from the column in front of ours and walked quietly toward Teresa, a sack in his hands.

"Good," Thomas said.


"Quiet!" I shouted at Teresa as we made our way out of the city.

"There are cameras! Someone'll stop you!" She shouted as she struggled in Gally's grasp. He lifted her over his shoulder and I pulled the drawstring of the bag tighter under her head.

"Let them try," I snarled.

None of us said another word until we got back to Lawrence's hideout. We sat Teresa in a chair. Gally yanked the bag from her head and she immediately brought her hand to her face; trying to neaten her hair.

The room was lit by lamps and candles and cast a warm, eerie glow on our faces. We sat in front of her, staring at the traitor. She was gasping for air as if we'd been suffocating her. "Gally?"

His arms were folded across his broad chest, his hood hanging between his shoulders. "Here's how this is gonna go," he began, "we're gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know."

Her mouth was agape, and she looked to each of us as if we might stand in and help her. None of us moved.

"We'll start off simple." Gally pulled a chair toward Teresa. "Where's Minho?"

She looked over at Thomas. "You guys don't seriously think--"

Gally slammed the chair down and sat on it backwards, leaning over its wooden back. Teresa flinched. "Don't look at him: why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you."

I had to admit, Teresa finally being spoken to how she deserved was a delight to me. She deserved this for how she'd treated our friends, and my brother.

Her shoulders slumped.

"Now, we know you have Minho in the building, and ___'s brother. Where?"

Gally had definitely done this before. I could smell the fear radiating off Teresa when she looked down at her hands to avoid Gally's hardened gaze.

But she deserved this!

"They're with the others in a holding. It's up level 3."

"How many others?" Newt asked.


There were glances.

"I can make that work," Brenda said. Were she and Jorge really playing cards at an interrogation?"

"No, no, you don't understand; that level is restricted. You can't get in without thumbprint ID."

"That's why you're gonna come with us," Thomas decided.

"Well, I dunno," Gally said. "We don't necessarily need her--" he stood, spun his chair away from him and headed behind me, to the table. "Not all of her." He picked up a scalpel-- "we just need her finger."

Teresa rolled her eyes. Could she really be so nonchalant at a time like this?

She deserves this...

"Gally, back off," Thomas said simply.

"What, are you squeamish? They've done a lot worse to Minho." Was Gally bluffing or had he really gone this far with an interrogation before?

"But it wasn't the plan, back off." He stood and took the scalpel from Gally.

She deserves...

"It won't make a difference," Teresa began. "Do what ever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door." She spoke quickly and her legs were trembling beneath her.

Doesn't she?

"The sensors will pick you up the second--"

"We know," Thomas said as he walked over to her. "We're tagged: 'Property of WCKD'." He knelt and looked into her eyes. She was still shaking.

I realised I didn't want to kill her anymore. Not for pity, no: But for humanity. Hearing Gally say that he was going to cut off her finger made me sick.

"You're gonna help with that, too," Thomas said.


One by one, Teresa removed our implants from the backs of our necks. I didn't say a word to her when I sat in the chair. I couldn't even bring myself to meet her gaze. "Your brother asks for you," she said.

I said nothing. She wiped a disinfectant cloth on the back of my neck and moved my hair aside.

"The chancellor thought he was the cure, but people are still sceptical about using animal DNA."

I remained silent. Teresa placed the scalpel to the back of my neck. I gritted my teeth.

"He fights more than the others and he's impossible to reason with. He keeps asking where you are; what we've done with you."

I clenched my fist on my lap. "I'm starting to think that you enjoy being an enemy to us," I replied.

"Oh, no! I just... thought you might want to know that Faelan is okay."

"But he's not, is he? He's with your lot instead of with us; his pack. He's being a lab rat instead of a wolf running free."
She finished removing the device. I would be fine without added disinfectant: my heightened healing abilities would sort it out. I stood from my chair and looked at Teresa. "And I'll never forgive you."

"Come on, guys," Newt said as he tossed us WCKD soldier uniforms. "See if these fit."

I half-listened to Teresa talk to Thomas. "Brenda; I didn't think she'd still be alive. You're saying she hasn't had another treatment?"

"Yeah, why?"

"But that's impossible."

Thomas didn't care about her babble. Gally took her away.

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