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We took some time to mull over the information. I read back through it a few times, trying to make sense of and come to terms with it.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Newt asked.

"Thomas is finding a way out of here..." I said.

"I wonder which subject is who..." Faelan said, ignoring me.

"I can't believe it's bloody WCKD..." Newt tutted, ignoring him.

"If Aris is B1 and Thomas is A2, then maybe it moves by the reverse order you came in," Faelan suggested.

"Perhaps I should send an email asking for dinner early." I said.

"No!" The boys exclaimed.

"Oh, now you talk to me." The boys gave each other slightly irritated looks, their ears folding back. "The email says that Thomas is finding out a way to escape. He won't leave us behind."

"What if they tell him we're dead?" Faelan asked.

"He'll know they're lying," Newt replied, certainty in his voice. "Tommy's a stubborn one."

When 6pm had passed, and we'd all eaten our feast of what had appeared to be a partly-cooked steak each, Faelan spoke. "So, what: we just sit and wait? I suppose if we don't look at the time, we'll be fine."

"I want out," I whined. "We're not pets."

"I know, love," Newt said, nuzzling me gently. "But we have to wait. Why don't we kill some time and sleep for now? Maybe the time perception thing will let us sleep until breakfast."

We reluctantly agreed. Faelan settled himself in a grassy patch by the pool, and I made myself comfortable by one of the boulders with Newt. I closed my eyes. Darkness.

I was running through a field in wolf form. The grass was quickly turning to sand and any flower I passed withered in front of my eyes. There was a tree that I was trying to approach, but with every step, the distance was the same. This lasted for what felt like hours, until I stopped. The sand caught up to and passed me, and the tree withered too. In its place was a wooden crate. I trotted up to it and peered inside. I was looking into a room from above. There were people talking and moving around. I tried to see who they were but-

"Breakfast!" Called a monotonous voice and I woke up with a start. A hatch in the wall opened and three slabs of meat were dropped through. They looked like goat legs. The boys and I moved over to the meat and each pulled a leg for ourselves.

"How's yours?" Faelan asked.

"Could use some gravy," I replied, half-joking. "It's a bit dry."

"How long until that friend of yours gets us out of here?" Faelan asked.

"Won't be longer than a day or so now," Newt said.

"You really think that?"

"He works fast," I replied. "I was in the Maze two months. He was in for about 3 days before he got us all out. He'll find us soon."

When I'd finished eating, I decided to check the computer for any more emails. A screensaver was bouncing from edge to edge. I let it hit the corner before nudging the mouse with my paw. There were no new emails, but I checked the one from the day before. Then I realised something. "Electromagnetic interference!"

GladerWolf 2 (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now