Chapter 3: Bein' Delivered to Justice

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After Zac's stomach was full from eating at a restaurant, he happily entered the bus station's waiting room. Looking around the room, he saw people either sat in their seats, charged their phones, chatted with one another, or stood around. Some people also went to the counter lady for assistance, purchased snacks and drinks from vending machines, took free bus schedules from each pocket holder, entered in and out of the gender segregated bathrooms, or looked at the screens of their mobile phones. A couple of janitors did some cleaning, and a pair of security guards stood outside the waiting room, being separate from one another.

-Oh, yeah! Today's the best day ever! Definitely better than last year! Now let's see my new videogame!

He took the game out of my brown plastic bag, and looked at its cover with his excited grin and eyes, seeing eight women on it. On the right side of the cover, he saw four women in their low cut, skin tight superhero outfits without even a cape, carrying different electric weapons. They wore different colored helmets. On the other side, there were the other four wearing their school uniforms. The game was titled Soteria and the Scarlet Dragon.

-Oh, I heard this game is so good! I can't wait to try it out for myself when I get home! 

Then he relook around the room for a moment.

-Time to take a seat and wait for our bus to take us home!

After searching for an empty seat, he finally sat near a black haired boy and a brown haired girl with a couple of myrtle flowers on her right-side of her hair. The boy looked be eight to ten years old, and was about to begin either Years Alef or Bet of Elementary School. The girl, on the other hand, appeared to be either twelve or thirteen, and was about to begin Year Waw of Secondary School. 

The boy and the girl looked at Zac and he looked back at them before they returned to minding their own business. He looked around more until he spotted a box containing a brand new, red robot toy resting in a white gift bag. He excitedly stared at it for a moment with his mouth open.

-Oh, man! Zac buddy, did you see that?! Now that looks like my next money maker! I heard these toys were completely sold out on all the store shelves and online! I can't wait to get my hands on it and make double money off of it, for real! 

Then the girl began to look around in a three-sixty degree angle, and she spotted a gender segregated bathroom. She turned to the boy as she stood up from her seat. "Okay, Kayleb. I'm going to the bathroom now. I'll be right back. If I'm still in the bathroom and our bus is here, just shout out my name outside the women's bathroom, okay?"

"Okay, I will, Hadasa. You can count on me!" Kayleb responds.

"Good and don't forget to keep an eye on your stuff!"

"I won't!"

As soon as Hadasa headed for the bathroom, Zac looked down at the bag for a while, then looked around the room to see whether people noticed him or not. Not one person noticed him for a second, not even Kayleb. Then he returned his attention to the bag and excitedly grinned.

-Alrighty now, Zac! Time to take this kid's toy and move to another area, before Hadasa comes back from the bathroom! My money maker, come to papa!

When he was so close to snatch Kayleb's toy without the child noticing him, his phone rung from one of his pockets all the sudden.


He dug it out of his pocket and looked at its screen, saying: 


-Ah, damnnit! What the hell does she want now?!

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