Chapter 6: Lunch Break

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When Zac and others arrived at Big Burger fast food joint, they remained in a long line. The loud chatter and laughter among customers echoed all over the restaurant. Zac annoyedly looked around and sighed.

-Ugh, this is such a long ass line! They better hurry the hell up and not take too long! Or I'm gonna be really pissed as all get out!

Atara walked up to David and smiled, chuckling a little. "Hey, have you thought about what you want to eat yet?"

"Oh, uh, no, not yet," Zac responded, turning his attention to Atara while Hadasa watched them chat with one another, smiling at them. "Let's see..." After Zac looked at the menu in front of him, he said, "I want a big cheeseburger with French fries and a large cup."

"Okay then, Zac," Atara said, "You got it."

When Hadasa and her friends finally ordered and paid for their food, they filled up their drinks and scanned the room to find a place to sit. They found their seats and sat at two tables near each other and the big window. Their tables stood by the corner and watched the busy restaurant. Hadasa, Zac, Shifra and Uriah sat at one table. Lia, Eliezer, Atara and Yosef sat at another one.

"So, Zac..." Hadasa said while she and others patiently waited for their food, sipping her medium-sized drink. "What is your city and country of birth?"

Zac looked at Hadasa and her friends when they gazed at him. "Okay, I was born here in Mishor, I jus' transferred here from Mishor's capital city."

"Whoa! You're from Chryssa?!" Uriah asked. Everyone else gasped out of excitement.

"Yeah!" Zac annoyedly said before sipping his big drink, shaking his head.
Uriah growled at Zac for a moment. His shadow covered his eyes and forehead whenever he expressed his anger. Hadasa and her five other friends however ignored Zac's bad attitude and Uriah's anger.

"That's-that's pretty cool, dude," Yosef exclaimed, also sipping his medium-sized drink. "I wish I was born in Chryssa. I heard that this place is the most famous capital city in the world for its lots more opportunities, unlike anywhere else in either Mishor or elsewhere. Too bad me and my friends were born right here in Teratopolis."

"How old are you?" Shifra asked, sipping her medium-sized drink.

"I jus' turned fourteen yesterday," Zac responded.

"Ah, congratulations, Zac!" Hadasa cried. They gasped and grinned excitedly while clapping her hands quietly.

"Ah, thanks, Hadasa!" Zac said. He closed his eyes and scratched the back of his head with a smile on his face.

"'Cause we're all also fourteen," Eliezer said with his eyes closed and a big grin.

Zac spit the drink out Oh his mouth when he heard that."Wh-What?!" Zac opened and widened his eyes out of confusion. "You guys are seriously fourteen too?!"

"Yep, we sure are," Atara answered, performing the same action as Eliezer.

-How...interesting...very...interesting...Even Hadasa, Uriah, Shifra and Yosef are fourteen, despite lookin' like they're between the ages of eleven and thirteen.

"Do you have any siblings, Zac?" Lia asked, sipping her large drink.

"Nope, I'm the only child in the family," Zac responded, also sipping his large drink.

"Ah, okay. Cool!" Lia exclaimed, closing her eyes, smiling. "Me too!"

"Me three," Eliezer exclaimed, doing the same thing as Lia did.

"Well, Kayleb is my only little brother I have, and he'll start Year Bet in a couple months," Hadasa said. She closed her eyes and pressed her fingers together. "You met him yesterday, right, Zac?"

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