Chapter 15: Confrontation

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When Zac, Hadasa and Kayleb returned to their community service from their two hour ministry work, they all leaned forward like their backs were hurting with their exhausted faces. They all moaned before they entered the building. Zac still carried the heavy box full of Bibles.

Kayleb turned to his sister with a frown on his face. "Ugh! I can't believe none of the people accepted the Gospels back there."

Hadasa turned back to her little brother. "Yea, me too. I felt so bad for people's poor souls as soon as people rejected the Gospel. We'll have to keep praying for them when we get home."

"Mhn," Kayleb agreed, shaking his head before returning his focus on the building.

Zac just walked forward without even saying a word. 

-Oh, man. I can't believe I have to stay at that place for two freakin' hours for this bullshit ministry work. It also doesn't help with the fact that I have to carry this damn box from and back to community service daily. I can't wait for this shitty as punishment to end, so I can get back to normal.

Once Zac and others entered the building, they headed their way for Mrs. A's office. Mrs. A turned to them while Zac placed the box at the corner near her. She noticed their frowning, tired faces.

"Lemme guess. Seeing the expressions on your faces, people didn't accept the Gospel today, did they?" Mrs. A questioned.

"Yes…" Kayleb answered, "It was painful…"

-Yea, tell me 'bout it, kid.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Mrs. A then frowned at Zac and others. "I'm sure it'll get better next time."

"Yea," Hadasa agreed. "I mean, to think 'bout it, yesterday was so much better than today."

Zac gave Hadasa his annoyed look on his face. 

-Well, yea obviously, no one's gonna deny that one. But still…I can't believe today ended up worse than yesterday though…Jeez…

"Why, yes, that's very true," Mrs. A agreed. "You've all done well in the past and you've done well today. You made Elohim and His Son proud. Keep up the good work in the future."

Hadasa grinned at Mrs. A and shook her head. "We will, Mrs. A. You can count on us for that one."

"Good," Mrs. A said, closing her eyes with a grin, swinging her fist upward in front of her. "Elohim and His Son have faith in you guys." Then she opened her eyes and turned to Zac. "Zac, are you alright? You've been kinda silent lately."

"Oh, me?" Zac asked, pointing his finger at himself. "Oh, I'm fine. Honest. I'm jus' tired of doin' a two-hour ministry work. That's all."

"Oh, I see…" Mrs. A said, placing her hand on her chin. 

"And speakin' of ministry work…" Hadasa said, glaring at Zac for a few seconds before she turned back to Mrs. A. "Can Zac have one of those Bibles in that box at the corner? He's been tryin' to shove the Bible down to people's throats at the barbershop earlier today, without even reading the entire Bible himself."

-Ah! This bitch…

"Oh, really?" Mrs. A asked, turning to Zac with her angry face, crossing her arms. "Is that so?"

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