Chapter 12: Things Get Worst

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When Zac, Hadasa and Kayleb were assigned to arrange and pack up non refrigerated food in the three big boxes, Hadasa chatted with Kayleb, happily performing their tasks. Zac's face appeared annoyed, tired and bored, leaning his body forward. They noticed they were all alone in the room.

-Man, I can't wait to get the hell out of this punishment! I mean, where the hell is everybody?! 'Cause this shit along with ministry work is gettin' borin' real fast. Eighteen more days to go and I'm done with this shitty ass community service.

Kayleb noticed Zac's unhappy face, curiously looking up at him. "Uh, Zac. Are you alright? You don't look so good."

Zac ignored Kayleb and continued on with his work. Kayleb called his name a second time, and Zac still hasn't answered. But once Hadasa called Zac's name, Zac quickly turned to her out of curiosity. "Huh?"

"My brother's callin' ya," Hadasa answered, moving her head down at Kayleb. 

Zac turned to him. "What?"

Kayleb repeated the question and Zac responded, "Yea, I'm fine, kid. Ya don't need to worry 'bout me, okay?"

Kayleb raised his eyebrow at Zac. "Are you sure?"

Zac returned his attention to the food, expressing his annoyed face. "Yea, I said, 'I'm fine!' Don't worry about me!"

-This lil brat can't even listen to me, can me?! I mean, how freakin' annoyin' is that?!

Kayleb then glared at Zac. "Hey, you don't need to be a jerk to me!"

"Well, if you hadn't doubted me earlier, none of this would've happened in the first place. Would it, kid?" Zac snapped, glaring back at Kayleb.

"My brother wasn't even doubtin' ya! So what the heck are ya talkin' 'bout, Zac?!" Hadasa roared, glaring at Zac. "He was jus' makin' sure you're okay. You don't need to be a total craphead to him, alright?!"

"Oh, yea, yea, yea. Sure…" Zac gave Hadasa his doubtful look on his face. 

Hadasa dropped the food in the box and stomped on the floor, clenching her fists behind her. "And what makes ya think that my brother wasn't gonna make sure you're okay?! Huh?!" 

-I can't wait to beat the shit out of this bitch and that brat in the face. Like for real now.

"Well?! Are ya gonna answer me or what?!" Hadasa impatiently asked with her continuous glare.

"Well, let's jus' say that he didn't accept the fact that I was actually fine and he still didn't listen! So that's actually his fault for that!"

Hadasa gave Zac her surprised look on her face. "Listen? Listen?! You didn't answer his call earlier, and now you're complainin' that he didn't listen to you?! Talk about hypocrisy much, don't ya think?!"

-As much as I hate this bitch so much, but she kinda has a point here.

"And also," Hadasa continued, "Maybe if you appear to be fine, he wouldn't even make sure you were okay!" 

"Oh, what the hell ever!" Zac swung his hand in the air and continued arranging and placing the food in the boxes, while Hadasa growled at him, closing her eyes.

Kayleb looked up at the clock behind him and turned back to his sister. "Uh, Hadasa."

Hadasa opened her eyes and looked down at her brother, slightly turning her head left. "What?"

"We're wastin' time here! We gotta get back to arrangin' and packin' the food for charity!" Kayleb reminded his sister.

Hadasa smiled at Kayleb. "Yea, I guess you're right 'bout that, Kayleb. Let's get back to work."

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