Chapter 17: Another Usual, Borin' Ass Day

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When Zac's parents dropped their son off at the community service, Zac's dad said to his son in his driver's seat, "Now be good and stay out of trouble."

"I will, dad. Bye!" Zac responded, waving his parents good-bye.

"Bye, Zackie!" His parents waved back at Zac.

Zac quietly growled at his parents, putting his head down, clenching his fists.

-Can my parents not be so obnoxious 'bout sayin' my preferred name already?! It's gettin' annoyin' really freakin' fast, bruh! Ugh!

"And don't forget we'll drop you off to your friends' place and pick you off from there, once you get done with your community service, okay?" Zac's mom said.

"Yea…of course…" Zac said with a frown.

"Uh, it's 'Yes, ma'am,' Zaccai, not 'Yea…of course…'" his dad annoyedly corrected, leaning forward from the car window.

-Ugh! These annoyin' ass freakin' people!

"Yes, ma'am," Zac replied with his annoyed face, moving his eyes right, slightly turning his head right.

Ignoring Zac's bad attitude, he leaned back at ease. "Good, that's better. See you later, Zackie."

"Yea…you too, mom…dad…" Zac replied as he watched his dad drive the car away from him. Then he angrily placed his hands on his hips and looked down below him, tapping his foot on the ground. 

-Man, my parents are so freakin' annoyin', that's for damn sure!

Then he viciously grinned when he pulled and stared at the necklace he stole from his mother out of his pocket. 

-Luckily, I stole this necklace from my annoyin' ass mother. I can't wait to sell this bitch to the pawn shop and earn some extra cash!

"Zac!" Hadasa's voice yelled behind Zac, along with her footsteps vibrating.

Zac widened his eyes and moved his eyes left. 

-Oh, shit! It's Hadasa! Better hide this shit quick before she sees it!

"Zac!" Hadasa's voice reechoed behind him as the sound of her footsteps inched closer to him.

He quickly rolled up the necklace like a ball and placed it back into his pocket. Then he turned around and looked at Hadasa in the eye.

"Oh, hey, Hadasa," Zac said in a tiring tone, waving at Hadasa slowly.

"Um, Zac? Are you okay?" Hadasa curiously questioned, raising her eyebrow at Zac. "You look like you're tired."

"Well, of course I am," Zac responded, still being pissed about his money situation last night. 

-I'll never forgive this bitch for not only encouragin' my mom to force me to go to your stupid hiding place, but also encouraged my mom to take my money away from me. My babies! My lifeblood! I'll try to get ya back for this once I got my vengeance against my mom's completed! Then I'll be gunnin' for ya next!

"I didn't get a good night's sleep last night, thanks to you!" Zac then snapped at Hadasa.

"Ah, Me?!" Hadasa roared back at Zac, giving him her confused yet angry face at the same time, pointing her finger at herself. "What the hell did I do?!"

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