Chapter 8: Alone with Hadasa

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While Zac's mother drove her husband and son home, Zac expressed his determined face to his parents. 

-Alright, Zac buddy. You can do this. Jus' convince your parents to transfer you to a new community service. I'm sure they'll agree to that. I mean, how bad can it be?

"So, uh, mom, dad," Zac said.

"Yes, Zaccai?" His parents asked while looking out the front window.

Zac gave his parents his annoyed look on his face.

-What is the deal with my parents callin' me some dumb names?! First it was Zaccai. Now is Zackie?! Oh, Lord help me.

"Can you transfer me to a new community service by tomorrow?" he asked.

"And why would we do that, Zackie?" Zac's dad asked.

"Because my current community service sucks. Not only do I have to do two tasks, but I also do two hours of ministry work. I was carrying a box of bibles all that time while Hadasa and her friends spread the Gospel and helped people. That was it," Zac responded. "It was exhausting and I need to get out of there as soon as possible. Pretty please?"

Zac's parents turned to one another for a few seconds and refocused on the road, laughing at him. 

"And you think you'll be able to be happy at your new community service while you're on punishment?" Zac's mother asked. "I don't think so."

"H-H-Huh?!" Zac cried when Zac's eyes widened and he frowned at his parents with his mouth open.

"Oh, yeah. No can do, son," Zac's father agreed. "If your community service does a good job making you feel miserable while you're on punishment, that's a good thing. Punishments are supposed to make you feel sad and think about the bad actions that you committed. You're punished for a reason."

-Wh-Wh-What?! I didn't expect this to happen at all! I thought my parents would get me out of this mess, but nope. Looks like I'll have to try again, Zac buddy. Hopefully, I'll get out of this, and may Elohim help me.

"B-B-But mom, dad! I really need to get out of there now!" Zac cried once more, putting his hands together, moving them sideways. "Please, please, please Get me outta there. I can't take this crap anymore."

"No, son!" Zac's mother said.

"I promise I'll do good at the new community service if you transfer me there instead," Zac pleaded. "I'll do anything you say, and I'm sorry I stole that kid's toy and tried to sell it yesterday. I promise I won't do it again. Jus' please get me outta there. I'm beggin' you."

"No, son! No!" Zac's father snapped. "That's not how punishments work. Yes, your mother and I forgive you for what you did, but we're still not lettin' you off the hook for twenty more days."

"Uh-huh," Zac's mother agreed, shaking her head. "Elohim is a God of justice. He doesn't allow sinful people to go unpunished. And besides, most community services are done at this time, and we're not driving more miles outside the city for a few ones. That's just not gonna happen. You'll have to deal with your current community service, whether you like it or not. And you better be good there too while ya at it if you don't want your punishment to extend, ya got that?"

"Yes, ma'am…" Zac responded, expressing his depressed face while leaning his head against the window.

"Good," Zac's mother said, shaking her head one last time.

-Oh, great…jus' great…I can't believe I'll have to spend twenty more damn days at that community service…now my nightmare will continue on…well, Zac buddy. Prepare for the worst to come…

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