Chapter 14: Escapin' Ministry Work

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When Zac, Hadasa and Kayleb made it to downtown Teratapolis, Zac was carrying a box of Interlinear Bibles. Zac expressed his tired, bored face, all the while Hadasa and Kayleb smiled out of joy. Hadasa and Kayleb held the Bibles in their hands, raising them up in the air.

A lot of buildings were squished together with small, local shops at the bottom and apartments at the top. People mostly walked on the sidewalks in opposite directions, and others stood by the traffic lights to cross the streets. Cars stood by the sidewalks and watched people pass by them. 

-Oh, Lord. Why the hell are Ya doin' this to me?! I've had enough of this ministry work shit! And I'm sick and tired of carryin' this freakin' box! How long are Ya gonna get me out of here?!

Then Zac sighed out of relief and smiled at being in a place besides houses.

-But at least I'm not in the suburbs anymore, that's for damn sure. I'll at least give Hadasa that.

"Alright, everybody. Time to get to know and form a relationship with Elohim and His Son to receive grace," Kayleb shouted as he, Zac and his sister stopped by the barbershop.

"Amen to that, my little brother," Hadasa said, looking down at Kayleb with a grin. "Elohim and His Son are desperately tryin' to form a relationship with you!"

While Hadasa and Kayleb shouted the Gospel at people, Zac expressed his annoyed face when trying to hold onto the box. But his arms and hands became so tired of the box's heaviness, that they'll in fact just drop it and become too tired to pick it up.

-Alright, time to drop this bitch. It's gettin' too heavy for me to carry.

So Zac dropped the box near his feet, allowing his arms and hands to rest from carrying that box. People walked past Zac, Hadasa and Kayleb, ignoring their presence. Zac then expressed his relaxed face as he stood there.

-Whew! 'Bout time my arms and hands rest for a bit. Now we jus' have to wait for this bullshit two hour ministry work to end, which can be pretty annoyin' as all get out.

As thirty minutes had passed, Zac, Hadasa and Kayleb noticed people jus' ignored them and never accepted the Bibles. Remembering his goal of getting out of ministry work and community service early, Zac frowned when he looked down at the Bibles in the boxes, then at Kayleb and Hadasa back and forth at the same time. 

-Oh, man. This is hopeless…

Then Zac glared at Hadasa and Kayleb. 

-'Cause what they're doin' isn't workin'! I gotta do sonethin' to get the hell outta here quicker and earlier, so I don't have to deal with this shit much longer.

So Zac pulled out two Bibles from the box and took a look around him.

-Alright, where the hell do I put these books?

While he looked around for a while, Kayleb looked up at his sister with a frown. "Awe, it's so sad that people don't wanna have a personal relationship with Elohim and His Son. Maybe we should move somewhere else?"

"No," Hadasa said, looking down at Kayleb. "We gotta persevere and keep goin'. That's what Elohim and His Son want."

"But-" Kayleb cried.

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