Spanish -Robin-

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Today there was a new girl introduced to us. Her name was Leah she enrolled when she moved from her hometown to Denver. And she seemed pretty nice though she seemed pretty interested in my boyfriend robin I didn't think much of it because I'm always overthinking

'Timeskip to Spanish class or whatever you call it

As I sat down at my desk that was next to Finney and behind robin putting my books on my desk as the teacher starts talking "hello class so today we are introducing a new student!" Mrs.marshall our Spanish teacher announces to us. Robin turns around facing me "wanna bet it's a ugly ass dude," he says grinning I roll my eyes "it's gonna be a girl," I say confidently he smirks at me and turns around to find probably making the same argument he did with me.

Then the door opened and a girl with long blond hair went down to her ass and cheap dollar store makeup covered the obvious pimples covering her face. not saying pimples are 'UgLy' and I'm not 'shAmINg' her. It's just the facts robin turns around looking disappointed that he lost our little bet "bruh she got so much makeup on it's unnatural" he says laughing his ass off so do me and Finney before paying attention to me.marshall " I want everyone to introduce themselves," she says then points to Finney first "Hola soy Finney"

'After class'

As all of us were on the way to lunch when Mrs.marshall calls my name and tells me to come to her class. "Necesito queue alludes a Leah con la" she says to me "miss with aldo respect why can't Leah get help from our SCHOOL counselor" i say annoyed "no me vuelvas a hablar jovencita" she says pointing her fat finger all in my face " I'm not back talking but ok fine ill help her" i say the lady smiles and tells me to invite leah to our lunch table. Mind you with finney,gwen AND robin but i do as i was told not wanting to get a call home for some 'amistad' like fuck off with the friendship shit


part 2?

I'm using google translate for most of thisss so sorry if I get stuff wrong I'm still learning spanish

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