Back from college p.t 2

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Y/n was bummed that Finney and the guys weren't able to hang out or so they said she was confused because there was always this girl with Finney whenever she would be out. She wondered who she was she may be Finney's ex-girlfriend but the two adults said they would stay friends so she had a right to be angry that the people she came back home for wanted nothing to do with her 


"y/n are you sure you want to leave," my mom asks "mom I'm sure I came here to be with my friends (and them ofc but wtv that's not the point) and they don't even want me here," I say zipping my suitcase "are you sure you don't wanna say goodbye at least," my dad asks "ill leave them a note but I have to go or I'm gonna be driving for days" I half joke my mom hugs me while my dad just stands behind her awkwardly "I know I know your 'not a hugger' dad," I say he smiles at me and pulls me in for a hug 

After our family moment, I grab my bags before heading to my car "I guess I should leave a note" I sighed I searched my car for paper and a pen after an embarrassingly long time I quickly wrote a note and ran to Finney's house and gave the note to his dad "Whats this y/n?" Terrence asks me "oh it's just a note for the guys because I'm going away for a while," I say we talked a little more then I went on my way 

FINNEY POV (sorry for all the changes lol)

I finally made it home after getting a gift for y/n to say sorry for ignoring her I went to her mom's house because that's where she's staying until she gets a house close to her family when I got to the door I took a deep breath I ignored her because I thought she forgot about us when she left to college but that was a dumbfuck move and I'm an idiot for not spending time with the woman I love after knocking on the door I waited a few moments before the door opened and y/ns mother opened the door her smile faded "hi miss l/n I was wondering if I could see y/n" I say fiddling with the ring in my hands "oh..honey she's gone she went back to Jersey"

get fucked Finney

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