Insecure -Robin-

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Word Count: 500+


Summary: Sara was feeling insecure and robin was not having it

Pairings: Fem!reader x Robin Arellano 

Ages in this imagine: 14

Warnings: self-deprecation (just a little), Mention of body shaming

Im not changing this due to hate or anything I honestly hate the way I wrote it sooo here.

Also, there wasn't really a lot of detail in the comment about how sara looks so i just went with people body shaming her or wtv


I looked at myself in the mirror all i could see was an ugly stupid girl a girl i hate a girl i fucking despise "why do i have to look so eh" i sigh into the mirror "hey sara-" "what are you doing here robin!" i say i didn't mean to yell at him I was just frustrated (lol get rekt)

"your mom let me in are you ok" he asks getting closer to me as i pull my shirt down so it would cover my stomach robin looked as if he already knew what happened and sighed putting his hands on his face rubbing his eyes "are people fucking with you again," he says his hands rested on his chin as he looked at me with a tired expression on his face "nah-" I was gonna lie but he gave me a look "it was just kate don't worry about it rob"  i say he looks around my room before looking at me "Ill talk to her" he says as we both sit on my bed "rob its fine really i mean shes right im ugly and i don't look like her" i say cuddling into him "she can say anything about how you look when she gets a tan every 5 seconds" he says holding onto my waist making me laugh.

At least he didnt know what i would do to myself at night because if i told him he would go on a killing spree

Before he continues to praise me "your beautiful sara don't believe what she saying shes jealous of how fucking gorgeous you are" he says it's always been hard for me to accept a compliment  but when it came from robin it just seemed so genuine it never felt half-hearted 

"thank you robin" i say giving him a peck on his cheek he looked at me astonished "give me a real kiss woman!" he exclaims i laugh and kiss him again but more passionate and loving after that we turned a movie on and cuddled and kissed all night until we eventually fell asleep in each others arms

I still don't like this but i like it better than the last one i felt like it was being like "oh yea when your boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other shames you for your insecurities just take it!" i didn't want it to seem like I was mostly because people are gonna think I support degrading and de railing i think the word is. 

This is wayyy shorter but i still like it ig

#blindedbylove Hope you guys like the new version  <33

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