When you break a bone

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Im making a god of war imagine/prefernces book go read it ^o^

Im also thinking of an outer banks imagine book?

Make sure to comment and vote!


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- insists on taking you to the hospital

- " i know we have a school nurse but i don't care im taking you to the doctor"


- He takes care of you by himself

- he's had experience with breaking bones and has seen how you handle them so he knows what to do


- Drops his bitchey attitude SO fast

- " shit are you okay doll here lay down ill get your stuff and we can go to the hospital"

- i head cannon that he is most DEF scared to go to the doctor


- Gets paranoid 

-  "shit shit shit what if the broken bone infects the others"

- He can be an idiot when it comes to his favorite pitcher getting hurt


- She tell you not to go to the doctors because they are "stupid 'profetionals' who will just injure you more Baby"

- aids to your every need


- takes you to the doctor immediately 


- crys while your in the doctors office 

- poor thing thinks your gonna die or smth


- crys his eyes out

- same with billy boy he thinks you like dead or some shit LMAOO

This chapter was supposed to be out 2 hours ago... 

Dont forget to comment and vote 

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