when you cook somthing and they dont like it

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- tries to be nice in every way possible
- "maybe we can both cook next time n-not that I'm saying your bad at cooking it's just...couples time? "

- tries to convince himself it's good
- "This is..where did you get this recipe mi amor?"

- Doesn't hold back
- "this taste like shit sweetheart like actual shit!"
- accuses you of trying to poison him

- he'd power through it so he wouldn't hurt your feelings
- "oh it was great blossom but next time let's have pizza and a movie?"

- Successfully convinces himself that it was just a bad recipe
- "I don't know why you threw up this is amazing!"

- kindly asks to get pizza instead
- "oh your fine with getting pizza okay!"

- Waits until you leave to throw it away
- "thank you so much dove"

- Rude but in a nice way
- "y/n this taste like shit but I love you"

Only thing I can cook is hot dogs 💀

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