Should have died -Robin A-

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Word Count: 500+


Summary: Y/n is taken by the grabber.

Pairings: Robin Arellano x Fem!reader

Ages in this imagine: 14

Warnings: Harsh language, Mentions of suicide 

Her outfit cuz why not

Her outfit cuz why not

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(except the purse)

you can change it but im using it for plot purposes 


"Yea! but i do have a lot of math homework to do" 

Bruce said with a sigh only to be followed by a light chuckle causing the rest of us to chuckle along with him i heard a faint 'beep' come from under my shirt that was neatly tucked under the sweater vest that robin gave me for my birthday 2 years ago tugging the sleeve up to reveal my watch as it read 9:15 shit shit shit!

"Hey guys my dad needs me home" 

I say as i walk over to robin to tell him i was leaving "hey rob im going home kay" i say but all he did was let out a head nod sighing i turn my back to him and begin the journey home while walking down the narrow alleyway i heard footsteps behind me though paid no attention walking a little faster thought as my pace grew faster so did the strangers behind me.

Stopping to take a breath i took a look behind me "no one shit you are paranoid y-" in one swift motion i felt someone pull me into a head lock the captor had the arms of a man who often worked out he smelled of rotten flesh and his forearms stained with bright red blood "let me go!" i say as i could feel the tears running down my face in a attempt to break free i bit the mans arm.

"I will kill you right her and leave you on the street for your friends to see shut the fuck up"

The man grunted out as his grip on my neck tightened making me moan in pain he quickly placed his hand on my mouth and began dragging to a black van shouting for help  but i was quickly silenced when the man sprayed something into my mouth everything went black.My body went limp.

"wakey wakey~" (okay Felix if you get this ily) i heard a voice call out awaking me from my not-so-happy slumber as i slowly inspected the man noticing the evident bite mark on his arm "it's rude to stare sweetheart," the man says "its rude to kidnap people but it doesn't seem to hold you back huh?" i say anger clearly laced into my voice i felt a hard slap to my left cheek "do NOT disrespect me" he says as he walks out.

Someone, please.....

2 weeks later time skip brought to you by my laziness


How could i be so fucking dumb i let my girl get taken she was back at home safe bruce had saved her. regret had been weighing on me i wish i walked her home wish i hadn't ignored her.

But she was with Bruce... And I couldn't do anything about it

This is bad but i got lazy so ill redo it later on if you want :(


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