Addressing your comments

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Stop commenting about how 'the grabbers a pedo! this is gross" like please stfu acting like I was saying explicit things about what the grabber would 'do to you' stop being a fucking snowflake.

ALL I SAID WAS "This is disregarding the fact he likes little boys" and yall are really pressed acting like I said something bout him wanting to fucking little boys.

If you don't like my stories or what I say dont comment mute me or block me stop trying to start shit because I have better shit to do than argue with bitches that cant take a joke ON WATTPAD

Please stop wasting your time saying your trying to 'educate me' your not. Go worry about people making grabber x reader stories here are a couple authors that have made the grabber x reader stories

1. cchatel2003

2. cherryskies

3. Crocodile_Tearz this person had this to say to people calling them gross : "20,200 people disagree with you (also that's not what the fic is abt) and if you didn't like it why not just skip or block me idk?? Like you deliberately opened"


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