What is he scared of

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-other than his bullies Finney is terrified of fricken bugs

- He doesn't like them because he thinks they can 'climb up my asshole and kill me from the inside" his words not mine

- When he sees anything like spiders roaches anything he asks you to kill it

- ran away screaming when a spider bit him he didn't want to go to the hospital so you treated it and made sure it wouldn't get  ✨infected ✨


- He will never admit it but he's scared of being forgotten

- He feels like if no one knows him he doesn't matter

-Positive that he will be left behind when you guys get older

- When he got taken he thought he was being abandoned and that no one was coming for him

- You found out that he has athazagoraphobia and autophobia (they are the fears of being forgotten and alone)


- Refuses to admit his phobia is nyctophobia (fear of the dark I HAVE THIS LMAO)

-He is so afraid of the dark that he has a couple of night lights in his room

- It's most likely from the dark ass crack of the grabber's basement

(i just think the grabber's basement was dark asf when he first started grabbing kids)



- Hes scared of a lot of things 

- But he hates clowns 

- He thinks no one should be that happy wearing an outfit like that

- he doesn't like the oversized shoes he claims "they can squish me I'm not going to the fair y/n!"

- You had to cradle him like a baby because of something he won't tell you about to this day


- Trypanophobia 

- He is afraid of needles

- Hates going to the doctor 

- Crys in your arms when he gets a shot 



-She hates the feeling of being trapped

- Or not being in control of her surroundings



- He has stage fright you can't tell me any different

I got lazy lol

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