how they react to you dying

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- He can't focus on anything

- Just wants to see you again

- Thinks about ending it 


-Gets Into more fights

-"Robin can you let me help you!" "you don't do it like she did.."

-Shuts everyone out

-Feels like he let you down

- cries when no one is around


- He sleeps with a ton of other people to get his mind off you

- doesn't come out of his room unless he has to go to school

- Beats the shit out of anyone who brings you up


- Try to focus on baseball more

- He eventually moves on but he has you on his mind 24/7


- He tries to off himself

- He doesn't think he can love someone else

- He feels like it's his fault 


- She eventually gets with other guys as distractions

- She becomes toxic towards anyone who wasn't in the group of friends she had

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