Chapter 12

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The next few weeks are like a dream come true. You've never got a chance to sleep next to someone, not since you were a very young child. The bed you slept in most of your life was used/old. It wasn't until you got into your own apartment that you bought yourself a brand new one. It felt so great. Yes, you've slept over JK's place before, but those nights, you really never got much sleep. The man was up every two hours like a newborn needing to be fed; nudging you, or suckling on you, or going down on you. You even found him once at your entrance ready to go and as he woke you up, he plunged into you.

You could completely understand why mothers of newborns felt so desperate at times. Getting up every two to three hours to feed your child, even with the deepest love, that can make anyone go insane. Those few nights that you slept over his place was filled with great sex but seriously lacking in the actual sleep department. It really wasn't until the second week of living together that you actually got 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. That was because you had sat JK down and spoke to him about letting you sleep.

The man was insatiable. At times, you would think, "Can I really keep this up?" He was needy for your touch, like he had walk three straight days in the desert and you were the oasis that he had been looking for. He would climax and would get hard again while still inside you. You wonder how he had time to do anything else, like work or shower.

The first couple of weeks of sharing the living space with him, he was on you like white on rice; constantly touching, kissing, hugging, or holding you. Oh, and the weekends... The first two weekends were a marathon of sexual activities. Now, when people say things like "She screwed his brains out," or "he fucked her until she was unconscious," everyone knows that it's pure hyperbole. However, when you say that he tried to make those things happen, you weren't kidding. He really tried.

He filled every opening that was worth filling in you. There wasn't a place in the house that you could go where he wouldn't follow and fuck you. The shower, the closet, the kitchen, the laundry room, in the elevator ride up and down (You'd remind him that there were security cameras in every elevator car thinking that it would deter him. What he actually did was he'd looked at the camera, smiled and rail you anyway), and on every surface you can imagine.

The most scandalous place that he took you was in the living room pressed up against the wall of glass that spanned from the floor all the way to the ceiling. It was the first weekend together. You loved to look out that window after nightfall. The city below and all the lights around, it is absolutely a beautiful sight.

One night you were standing there watching the view and without warning he came up behind you. He snaked his hand into you the top of your sundress and exposed your breasts, then he literally ripped your panties off you. Not a metaphorical ripping, but actual ripping. He grabbed one side of it and ripped it off of you. He then hiked up you dress and took you right there. Your breasts pressed against the window and your palms pressed and bracing against his barrage. Lights in the living room behind you were on and you are sure your neighbors in apartment buildings around and near you got a great show. The craziest part of all this was that you loved every second of it.

The sex wasn't always hard and fast. Much of the time, it was toothachingly sweet and tender. After few days of being together, you two started to get into a rhythm and could almost anticipate the other's needs, wants, and moves. You felt so completely connected to him in every way imaginable. He made sure that you knew that he wanted and needed you with him and in his life.

During the daytime, you could keep up with him, but it was the middle of the night sexcapades that you were struggling with. You two would make love on average 4 times a day. Everyday. You woke up to it, you came home from work to it, you went to bed to it, and he woke you up in the middle of the night to it. You almost wanted him to just do what he wanted to do with your body and just let you sleep (those were desperate times for you). You even told him that it was okay if that's what he wanted to do.

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