Chapter 22

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You get to the coffee shop and find that this one has no line. You walk right up to the counter and place your orders. When the orders are ready, you are able to fenagle everything in your two hands. Your hands are full, but you think you can manage carrying everything back to the office without anything spilling. You grab some creamers, sugar, stirrers, and anything else that one might need to make a cup of coffee, and then you think, "Maybe I should get a coffee for Josh. It'll give me an excuse to go see him and say hi." So instead of heading out and returning to the office, you ask the barista for another order.

When Josh's special brew is done, you pick it up and finally walk out the door. You think, "By the time I get back, it'll be quitting time." and laugh to yourself. When you step out of the coffee shop, you realize how beautiful the day is. The sun is shining and warming your skin; you can feel a light breeze. The colors seem brighter. There people walking the streets and none of them seem to be in any rush. Everyone just going about their lives. When you get out to the street, you tell your cell phone's AI assistant to dial Josh. And you can hear the phone ringing in your headphones in your ears. On the second ring, Josh picks up and says, "Hi, Sweetheart. What a pleasant surprise." 

You say, "I have a sweet treat for you. I'm on my way back to the office and wanted to make sure that you weren't going to leave early."

Josh says, "Nope. I'll be here. So, what's the treat?"

You tell him, "You'll just have to wait and see. But I can give you a hint. It's hot and wet." You can hear Josh bursting out into laughter on the other end. The traffic on the street is pretty light this time of day. So, you step off the curb, look both ways and walk into the street. You happily chat away with Josh on the phone. The last thing you remember is hearing a sound of car engine getting louder and louder, coming closer and closer. Then suddenly, all you know is utter darkness.

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