Chapter 21

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Yours and JK's weekend was spent mostly in bed. Talking, napping, making love, laughing, and reminiscing. JK says "I want to get my fill of you in every way. I won't be able to see you for almost a week. The trip I had few months ago, where I was gone for four days. That was really hard for me to get through. Baby girl, I really have no idea how I lived without you for all those years. I sometimes wonder what kind of people we would have been had we had each other all along. Would we have dated and ended up together or would we have never gone past just being friends?"

You say, "I think about that sometimes too. But you know, I like to think that things happened exactly the way it was supposed to. JK, I really believe that even if you and I try to run away from each other, make effort to stay away from each other, in the end, we'd be right back with each other. I told you. I don't worry about keeping you near me or losing you to another anymore. You and I are like penguins. Wait! No... Like swans."

JK chortles and asks, "How is that?"

You reply, "They mate for life, and when one dies, the other just spends the rest of their life alone. Probably dies of a broken heart. Shit...That's sad. Let's think about something else. How did we get here?" Now JK laughs as if he is being tickled. He pulls the sheets over you both and you spend a long time just indulging himself in your kisses.

On Sunday afternoon, you do decide to leave the confines of your bed to get necessary things for JK's trip. Picking up dry cleaning, getting necessary toiletries, etc. In the evening, you go to your favorite restaurant and eat until you are satisfied with your food baby. You think, "Are people allowed to be this happy?Can things really be this great?" Then your mind turns to the last time he proposed to you. You remember what he looked like, down on one knee. Still shirtless and in his pajama pants. Telling you that he'd go buy you a ring that night. And you tell yourself, "Next time he asks, I'm going to say yes."

JK looks at you and says, "What's got you smiling so big?"

"Oh.. I was just thinking about your 4th marriage proposal."

"You were? What about?"

"Nothing specific. Just that maybe if you ever ask me again, what my answer would be."

Looking smug, JK says, "Oh Sweetness, I already know what your answer is going to be. The actual asking will just be a formality; a rubber stamp, doing my due diligence. Baby girl. I told you! I knew your answer since I was five years old. I just hope you don't turn to violence again." You break out into a big laughter.

You say, "JK, I can't even move you enough to get through door ways, never mind push you down so hard that you'd cry. I think my turning to violence against you days are far gone. I wish I could remember you asking me when we were five. I would have love to have held on to that memory while I was with my aunt." As soon as you mention your aunt, JK feels the shift in your demeanor.

JK says, "Hey, hey, hey. Stay here with me, Sweetness. Don't go off into that dark place. Don't let her take anymore from your life now. She took enough from you for those six years. I'm here now. You don't have a thing to worry about. No one will take anything from you again that you are not willing to give. I guarantee it." Then he says. "I love you. You're my girl."

Being cheeky, you ask, "How much?"

"How much what?"

"How much do you love me?'

"With all of it."


"Whatever love is available in this universe and the next. I love you with all of it."

You just stare at him with your mouth slightly open, utterly speechless. You think, "He is perfect."

JK asks, "Are you okay?"

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