Chapter 18

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You make it back to JK's place around 3:00 AM. You decide to drive your own car back because you plan to drive yourself into work in the morning. You've decided that keeping your life independent of JK's is going to be the wisest thing to do until whatever comes next. You are beyond exhausted from the day that you had. The past three days have been the most fun and the most stressful few days you've had in a long time. All you want to do is just get some sleep before you have to wake up and go to work.

The minute you and JK fall into bed, both of you fall into deep slumber. Your dreams are vivid but bizarre. You dream about building an enormous castle on the cliffside of a rocky mountain. The castle is surrounded by thick fog and when the sun rises, it burns off the moisture clearing the air. You lay stone by stone with your hands to build the tallest tower, but every time you get close to finishing it, something goes wrong and the tower falls, forcing you to build it all over again. Right before you awake, you attempt to put the last few stones to finish the tower. However, a large boulder breaks off from the rocky mountainside above, falls and takes down, not just the tower, but most of the castle below. 

In the morning you are awaken with kisses on your shoulders and neck. Both you and JK fell asleep in whatever you were wearing when you came back to his apartment. You try and get up but gets pulled back into bed by pair of strong arms. You don't fight it. You lie back down and wiggle in closer to JK's body. You get in another 20 minutes of sleep, but the next time you awake, it's the alarm on your phone that wakes you up.

You take a long cat like stretch and say, "Good morning," and what you get in return is some grumbles. His arms are around you and he has an iron grip on you. Today, you are the little spoon. You turn and say over your shoulder, "The worker bee has to get ready to report in."

JK replies, "What's the point of sleeping with your boss if you can't get into work a little late once in a while without getting into trouble?"

You turn to face him and say, "Did you just make a joke about me sleeping with Josh?"

"Yes. I did. Why?"

"What's gotten into you? I was worried that you were going to challenge him to a dual or something, but here you are cracking jokes."

JK asks, "Whose arms are you in right now?"


"Enough said. Why would I challenge someone to a dual when I've already won? Don't be ridiculous. Do we really have to go into work today?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but I do. I thought you C-level suite folks got to come and go as you pleased."

"It's true. We do. But what's the fun in going in late by myself?"

You say, as you squirm out of his arms, "I must get ready. I think I have to meet with Mike after work to sign some paperwork for the apartment. I'll call you when I get back to the motel."

JK sits up halfway and says, "Why are you going back there?"

"The apartment can be occupied immediately, so I need to check out and return Josh's suitcase that he let me borrow."

"You are going to bring the suitcase to work to return it to him?"

You shake your head and say, "No. Don't be silly. That thing is huge. I'll just drop it off at his place later. I'm hoping I can move into the apartment tonight. When I went to see it with Mike, the place looked very clean, but I still want to do a little once over and of course, unpack my crap. Yet again!" you let out a big sigh.

"I can help with that. I helped the last time."

"Sure. That sounds great."

"Can I trust Josh to not try and get into your pants?"

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