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It is a sunny spring afternoon. This winter was colder than usual, and the warmth of the spring sun was a welcome change. In a well-manicured back yard with soft green grass, there are several children of varying ages running around and playing. From the kitchen window, you can hear the children laughing gleefully as they play made up games and chase each other. When the children see an old man emerge from the door to the patio, they all run to him.

There are nine children in total, spanning from ages 5 to 14. They smother the old man in an enthusiastic group hug and settle around him as the old man takes a seat in front of them. The littlest one asks the old man to tell them a story. The old man taps his chin with his index finger trying to think of a story to share with the younglings. Suddenly, the expression on the old man's face changes from deep contemplation to revelatory elation.

The old man says, "Aha! I know exactly what story I want to tell you. Did you kids know that your grandma and I've known each other since we were three years old? We'd play together all day, every day and go on adventures, playing make-believe. But something very sad happened when your grandma turn 12 years old, and she had to move away for a really long time. I missed her terribly and I was really sad for a long while.

"But guess what? When I became a young man, we finally found each other again. It was like fate had brought us back together. Well kids, you grandma must have missed me a ton, because when your grandma finally got a hold of me, she..."

Right then, the children hear their grandmother yelling from the kitchen window at their grandfather, "JK! Don't you dare say what I think you are about to say to those children!"

The children's grandfather laughs loudly and says with a mischievous wink, "Maybe I'll tell you kids about that part of the story when you get a little older."

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