Chapter Three: Bad news

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The next day two cookies were at the hospital for a check up and to see what was going on with their chances for something they wanted more than ever in their lives together as a couple.

One with his red hair shaved on one side of his bangs and his dark grape purple eyes, bounched his leg hard as he hugged himself and felt so stressed and nervous about this whole situation.

"Vampire relax~" his partner and husband Werewolf who who wore a tooth necklace and torn pants and shirt with a black strap on it going around his waist and across his chest.

He also wore a cape with fur around his shoulders and his temper was a little tense but was getting very better at it as his husband wore a different outfit that looked very Romanian.

He wore a black cape that was a deep red inside it and white pants and a black long sleeved top with a white ruffled on the collar and pin that was a blue crest to hold his ruffle in place for him.

"Sorry I just feel so scared about our chances....what if we....we...." he teared up and suddenly felt Werewolf shush him and rub his cheek to calm him down and soothe him to relax him too.

"Calm down Vampire just breathe~" he whispered softly and he kissed his husband softly and he felt vampire melt into his touch and calm down and looked very calm now as well.

"Ok I'll calm down~ I mean what can happen to us?" He said in hid usual calm, relaxed and chilled personality and Werewolf smiled and nodded I'm agreement with him and held his hand.

"Vampire and Werewolf?" Said a nurse with a smile "the doctor will see you now" she said and they nodded and went to the office and looked very hopeful for any good news for them.

"...and so...that's why we wanted to know if we have a chance to have a little Doughling of our own" Werewolf asked the doctor who was a skeleton cookie and his name was Dr. Bones.

Dr. Bones smiled and nodded his head in understanding their situation and he looked at Vampire who looked a little worried about this situation cause he would need to do a Jam sample.

"It's ok it's just just one small little poke" Dr. Bones smiled before taking a  needle out qnd Vampire looked away from the scene and hissed softly in pain as he felt his Jam was taken out of his body.

"Thank you so much and we will call you when we got the results from the lab" Dr. Bones said as he watched Werewolf comfort Vampire and they left the office and Vampire relaxed as well.

"Good job on on not attacking the doctor love~" Werewolf cooed and he felt Vampire nuzzle his face and kissed it "and thank you for not losing your temper and being so calm~"

This made Werewolf wag his tail and kissed him and they were home and cuddled on the couch together and kissed and felt so calm and relaxed together and soon fell asleep as well.

A few days later they were at home when the phone rang and Werewolf saw Vampire answer it and heard a little bit of the conversation with a smile on his face and he looked very excited.

"Yeah?....oh~ I you Dr. Bones....goodbye~" his smile quickly faded and he rushed to see Vampire run passed him and run upstairs and slammed their bedroom door hard.

"Vampire?" He quietly went upstairs and heard him softly sobbing in their bed and and he knocked on the door softly "Vampire can I come in~?"

"GO AWAY!" Vampire sobbed hard and he hugged his belly with a pillow and looked so upset about something as Werewolf opened the door and walked over to him and sat on the bed.

"What happened?" Werewolf asked gently to Vampire and he rubbed his back softly as he sobbed and looked at him with tears running down his face and he climbed into his lap and sniffled.

"He said I was infertile and we can't have our own children~" he said with a frown and he looked very sad as Werewolf held him close and felt his own heart break in pieces as well.

"M....maybe we can adopt a child then" he said with a reassuring smile and Vampire whined and hid his face into his chest and sobbed hard and Werewolf felt bad for him too.

"It's ok Vampire it's ok~" he rocked him and sighed softly and looked sad and frustrated with their bad news and wanted to cheer his husband up bad but what could he do to cheer him up?

Suddenly he got an idea and smiled and layed Vampire onto the bed making him squeak in surprisement and got between his legs and kissed him deeply and passionately and moaned softly.

"W-Werewolf~" Vampire moaned and Werewolf smiled and kissed his neck making him gasp and moan again as he felt so excited and horny now and whined for more attention from him.

"Awww yes my love~?" Werewolf cooed and he wagged his tail as he felt his chest and and slowly removed their capes and tossed them onto the ground with a smile on his face and he drooled.

"Would you like me to help you feel better my little bat~" he cooed softly and he took off his top and Vampire smiled wide and removed his too and looked very happy and excited about this.

"Yes please~ I need u so much~" he whispered softly and Werewolf smiled and nodded his head in agreement and removed their pants and underwear and drooled qt the sight before him.

"You look fantastic and so amazing love" he growled and he made out to him with a smile and they had a wonderful time in bed.

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