Chapter Ten: A drink and deep regrets

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"HE NEEDS US AND YOU CAN'T BE SO SCARED AND A COWARD ABOUT THIS!!!" Werewolf snarled and he looked very pissed off at Vampire.

"I AM NOT A FUCKING COWARD!!! I JUST...I....I NEED A DRINK!!!" Vampire rushed out the door and to Sparkling's Juice Bar and Werewolf grabbed a pillow and howled in anger in it.

At the bar the bartender Sparkling was cleaning a glass as Vampire stormed in and tapped his hand on the countertop for a drink "grape juice and make sure it's stronger then ever~" he growled.

"Had a fight with Werewolf again?" Sparkling asked as he poured him a drink and went to hand it to him when Vampire snatched it and drank it fast and gestured him to give him another.

"Yes~ I didn't want to foster a child so soon! I wasn't ready and he was since we...can't have our own children he thought we should foster and I was coward to speak up about my feelings~"

He sighed and drank a second glass and gestured for another and Sparkling sighed and gave him a third one "Vampire look it's ok to be scared but just think about it ok?" he said softly.

"Think about what? I'm trying so hard to be patient and calm around him but every time I screw up Cranberry Wine gets scared and hides!" Vampire teared up and shook hard as he wanted more.

"Vampire he's been through a lot of grief and pain from losing his parents...he a lot like you cause your father was killed in front of you...right?" Sparkling said trying to help him feel better.

"Yes qnd my mother blames me since I was supposed to die not him" Vampire sobbed and he didn't heard Sparkling walk over and hug him tightly "it wasn't your fault though~" he cooed softly.

"But I-" "no buts your father died saving your life from getting killed" he was right since Vampire was trying to learn how to fly too soon and fell out of a tree and his father saw that and saved him.

But in result he ended up getting himself killed by a branch impaled though his heart and Vampire was blamed for his death all his life until his mother died when he was fourteen.

It was a suicide and his sister was only eight years old and he felt like it was his fault and he started to drink early qnd drowned his sadness in grape juice and now he was doing that right now!

"Oh my Gods what am I doing?! I'm supposed to help Cranberry Wine heal and I'm making him worst and he will probably not ever get adopted!" Vampire suddenly pulled out of the hug.

"I gotta go back home Sparkling I-" Sparkling smiled and held his hand up and smiled at him "it's on the house~ now go your baby needs you" he said with a warm smile on his face as well.

"Thanks Sparkling" Vampire said with a smile and he rushed home and saw Werewolf in their room laying in bed and shaking meaning he was crying and Vampire sighed and walked over to him.

"Werewolf? Honey I'm...I'm sorry for what I did and I'm sorry for yelling at you too" he whispered softly and he didn't see Werewolf move and he sighed softly "I will leave you alone ok?"

He started to leave but was suddenly pulled back and he felt Werewolf hug him from behind and he smiled a little "Werewolf i-" "shhh I know I'm sorry too" Werewolf whispered softly.

Vampire smiled and turned to face him and kissed his husband softly and they kissed again and Werewolf's tail wagged as they pressed their forehead against each other's and closed their eyes.

"I love much~" Vampire whispered softly and he heard Werewolf shush him and he opened this eyes and saw him smile at him softly as he knew it meant he forgave him.

"I'm going to apologize to Cranberry Wine, I'll be back soon" Vampire said with a smile and he went to their foster child's room and knocked on the door and heard soft sobbing and he felt bad.

"Cranberry Wine I'm coming in ok?" He whispered softly and he walked in and saw Cranberry Wine hiding in a corner in his room and he slowly walked over to the shaking and scared Doughling.

"Cranberry Wine I'm so sorry for that I never should have done that" he sat down and faced the shaking Doughling and the Doughling refused to move qs he only blinked and breathed shakily.

"I know your hurting and I understand that you don't trust me" He continued with a sad expression on his face "to be honest with you I'm scared too he admitted to the quiet  Doughling.

"I'm scared I will mess up and I'm scared to be a parent cause I had a rough childhood too" Vampire said with a sigh and he looked at his lap as he shook a little as tears formed in his eyes.

"I, too lost my dad like you did and I was treated horribly for his death and mow I know it's not my fault and I need to be a better mother and person~" he sobbed and he felt so upset about what he did.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you Cranberry Wine and I will try to do better I swear it" He whispered softly and he sobbed hard and felt so horrible for what he did to the poor little two year old.

As he sobbed he suddenly felt something touch his head and he looked up and saw Cranberry Wine patting his head softly and he looked very shy and nervous about this whole thing already.

And he suddenly stopped and looked at Vampire and touched his face gently wiped his tears away and then quickly went back to the corner and Vampire smiled softly.

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