Chapter Fifteen: Pain and grief

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Three days later Werewolf and Vampire were watching Cranberry Wine who was sitting in the middle of between them as he held his bat plushie and was trying to speak to them after so long.

"...a...h..." he croaked and this made both foster parents smile and nod their heads "it's ok kiddo just try again~" Vampire said with a smile and Werewolf smiled and nodded his head and agreed.

"A....a....a....h" Cranberry Wine tried again and coughed hard and looked his throat felt so dry and Werewolf smiled and handed him a sippy cup of water and he drank it and stopped trying now.

"Ok good try kiddo we'll try again later if you want" Werewolf said with a smile "yeah that's right we can try ag-" Vampire began when they suddenly heard a knock on the front door.

"Coming!" Werewolf said qnd he walked to the door and Vampire smiled qnd picked up Cranberry Wine and stood up and Werewolf opened the door and saw it was Peanut Butter Shortbread.

Behind them was Red Wine qnd he smiled sweetly at at them and Cranberry Wine started to feel a bad feeling about him and started to cling onto Vampire who looked a little worried about him.

"Werewolf I need to come in and talk to you two" Peanut Butter Shortbread said with a frown and they walked in without waiting for them to be allowed into their house and in the living room.

"O-oh...ok come on Vampire" Werewolf said and he felt nervous about this whole situation as Vampire nodded and walked in as Cranberry Wine started to feel more upset about something.

"What's wrong sweetie?" He asked the two year old and the two year old started to feel scared of Red Wine and buried his face into his chest and started to shake and Vampire felt more worried.

"Mr. Vampire I hate to tell you this but this cookie with me is Cranberry Wine's uncle and he has guardianship of the child meaning he has to take him and raise him like his parents wanted."

Peanut Butter Shortbread said this and it made Vampire's heart break realizing that he was going to lose his baby and he didn't want his baby taken from him and never see him ever again as well.

"But he's my baby~" Vampire said with tears formed in his eyes and Werewolf pulled him close and tried to comfort him but he pulled away and shook hard as his eyes glowed a very deep red too.

"Why now?! Why are you here now?! Why didn't you come sooner!!!" He snarled and he felt his chest get wet and he looked abd heard soft sniffles and sobs from Cranberry Wine and sighed.

"Cause I didn't know what happened I wason vacation~" Red Wine said with tears in his eyes "please I want my nephew back so much and you can't say no to me cause I got a lot of support."

Red Wine said with a sigh and he saw Vampire sob and look so heartbroken "I...but....I-" "Vampire we have to give Cranberry Wine to him it's the law" Werewolf suddenly said as he teared up.

This hit Vampire hard but he sighed and nodded his head in understanding their situation and he pulled Cranberry Wine away from his chest to make him look at him as he sobbed and shook hard too.

"C-Cranberry Wine I have to let you go now but remember that I love you so much and I will always love you~" he sniffled and Werewolf took him next as he sobbed and looked very sad as well.

"And no matter what we well always be in your heart and always think of you" he said with a sniffle and he kissed the Doughling's head and Vampire nodded and kissed him on his cheek himself.

Then they got up and handed Cranberry Wine who clinged onto Werewolf in fear to his uncle who pulled him off the wolf cookie and held him close as he kicked and squirmed hard in his arms.

"There there it's all right~" Red Wine cooed and he walked to the door as Cranberry Wine shook hard and cried hard as he reached for his foster parents who didn't even budge to help him too.

Suddenly Cranberry Wine dropped his bat plushie and was trying to get out of Red Wine's arms as he went to a car and put him inside as social worker Butter Shortbread left in their car nearby.

"Now you're mine and I well make sure you will pay for everything!" Red Wine suddenly tossed him into the car and rushed to the diver's seat and got in and sped off as Vampire grabbed the toy.

He sobbed into it as Werewolf comforted him as he pressed it to his heart when he suddenly saw something on the floor and it was the old photo Red Wine always held in his pocket.

"He dropped this~" Vampire said with a sigh and he suddenly felt a strong bad feeling about this photo and he saw a white haired male with a ruby red haired female and Red Wine glaring.

He was in the background looking pissed and Vampire swallowed hard and flipped the picture over and saw the words, "DIE! YOU WILL ALL DIE!" this made Vampire shake very hard in fear.

"Werewolf call the!!!" He shouted and he showed him the photo of the couple and he paled thinking about the worst case scenario that could happen to their little Doughling as well.

"On it!!! And I'll get Detective Almond too!!!" He shouted and Vampire shook hard as he hugged himself and held the toy against his heart as he prayed in his head for his baby to be safe and sound.

'Please gods save my baby and bring him home to us!!! I beg of you all please, please, please, PLEASE!!!'

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