Chapter Nineteen: Save Cranberry Wine!!!

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As Vampire ran Cranberry Wine cried his heart out and Vampire shushed him gently and as best as he could as he ran and felt Red Wine grabbed his cape and threw him down onto the ground hard.

"Ack!" He cried out and Cranberry Wine looked at him scared to death and Vampire looked at him with a scared but calm expression on his face and pushed him off him quickly as he could.

"Cranberry" he whispered softly and Cranberry Wine shook abd refused to move as he was suddenly knocked away and he held his chest and looked pale as he slowly looked down.

He saw a knife wound in his chest as Jam started to gush out and Vampire's voice sounded faint as he felt so lightheaded and collapsed onto the ground and Vampire rushed to him.

"Cranberry Wine!!! No, no, no, no!! Stay awake for me stay awake!!!" He held his little boy and Cranberry Wine looked at him and coughed up Jam and looked at him in tears as Vampire started to cry.

"M-mo.....momma~" he whispered softly and he reached for his face and he started to feel cold and his eyes felt heavy as he felt his heart start to beat slower and slower and slower as well.

"Cranberry Wine please stay with me! You gotta stay with me!" Vampire sobbed and he felt his heart start to beat hard and Cranberry Wine closed his eyes and his arm went limp on his side.

"!!!" He sobbed and he held the small Doughling close as Red Wine laughed and cheered as Vampire sobbed but stopped as he suddenly got an idea and it was a very crazy and bold one.

He tilted his child's neck into a comfortable position and kissed his head as he leaned into his ear "Please forgive me for this my sweet little boy~" he cooed softly and he teared up as well.

Suddenly he bit his neck as hard as he could and lapped up his Jam with a quick and in continuous and out motion with his tongue as Red Wine's eyes widen in shock as he watched.

As he bit and drank his Jam Cranberry Wine arched his back as his eyes snapped open and he let out a silent scream as Werewolf rushed over and saw what happened and was shocked.

He also saw the knife in Red Wine's hand and the Jam on it and he suddenly turned into his actual werewolf form and grabbed the cookie and pinned him to the ground with a very pissed snarl.

"You hurt my son now you will pay!!!" He shouted as Red Wine shookin fear and looked very scared to death "p-please no~ have mercy~" he wheezed and grabbed Werewolf's paw weakly too.

"Mercy?....MERCY?! WHY SHOULDI AFTER ALL YOU'VE DONE?!" Werewolf screamed and he leaned intohhis face as he felt so scared and teared up "you only deserve hell, now go to hell~" he cooed.

And with that he ripped out his throat as Jam poured out and Cranberry Wine had passed out and looked very relaxed and very tired as Vampire pulled his fangs out of his neck and held him close.

As he did Red Wine clutched his neck and choked and Werewolf got off him as he turned to his normal form and rushed to his family as he heard sirens and voices of the police and Almond.

"Over here I see them!" Almond shouted and he ran over and stopped as Red Wine had stopped moving as Jam continued to pour out of his big wound as the couple held their child close.

" need for a ambulance boys just a car for the couple...and son" "yes Detective Almond" a cop said and he walked to the couple who were holding a sleeping Cranberry Wine very close.

"Come with me I'll take you home"the cop said and the couple nodded and were escorted to the car and climbed into it as Cranberry Wine clings onto Vampire in his sleep "mmm momma~?"

"Shhh just rest my precious little little boy" Vampire cooed and he hugged his son and he smiled as he loved hearing him talk to him and loved hearing him call him momma and kissed his head.

"He's finally talking again~" Werewolf whispered softly and he teared up in happiness and Vampire nodded and smiled at him "and I was the first word in a long time~" he whispered softly.

Soon they were home and walked inside and cleaned up Cranberry Wine's injuries and the dried up Jam and bandaged up some spots where he was badly injured and put his pj's on him.

"I want to sleep with him and not leave him" Vampire said with a frown and Werewolf nodded in agreement and they went to their bed and held their child very close to their hearts as well.

"I love you Vampire~" Werewolf whispered "I love you too, Werewolf~" Vampire said with a smile on his face and they looked at the sleeping doughling in their arms and smiled.

"And we love you Cranberry Wine and we will always love you~" they both whispered and kissed his head and layed down as their child yawned and snuggled into them and finally felt safe.

And he finally accepted them qs his new family and looked very happy to have them to love and protect him from anything that could harm him and he felt something still around his neck.

He looked with q very sleepy expression and saw his mother's necklace! He still had it and he smiled as he closed his eyes and felt so happy and completely at peace with what he had been through.

'Mama I will never forget you and my dada who raised me as his own, I love you so much' he thought that and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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